Summertime Music Playlists!


I'm falling behind!

I need to catch up on blog commenting, on photo album printing, on the sorting of various lists...

But the sun is finally out! After weeks and weeks of rain, it's finally swimming weather (or what I call swimming weather: 30C and sunny!).

So I'm going to repost a few song and music blogfests!

And here is the first playlist I ever created on YouTube...

...and the most recent playlist!

And three playlists by year




Do you have any playlists?
Please link to your favourites!


Hi Deniz - so much to do ... so little time, and I don't have your busy life - I'll enjoy your playlists ... I tend to listen to Radio 3 (classical) which keeps me grounded. Have a lovely Summer with the kids - cheers Hilary
Deniz Bevan said…
Ooh, radio #! I've been enjoying the Proms this summer, too!