Dorothy Sayers Quotable Quotes

Couple of writing-related quotes from the brilliant novel Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers:

"In the meanwhile she had got her mood on to paper - and this is the release that all writers, even the feeblest, seek for as men seek for love; and, having found it, they doze off happily into dreams and trouble their hearts no further."

[Harriet Vane talking to Lord Peter Wimsey]
"'But if I give [my character] all those violent and lifelike feelings, he'll throw the whole book out of balance.'
'You would have to abandon the jigsaw kind of story and write a book about human beings for a change.'
'I'm afraid to try that, Peter. It might go too near the bone.'
'It might be the wisest thing you could do.'
'Write it out and get rid of it?'
'I'll think about that. It would hurt like hell.'
'What would that matter, if it made a good book?'"

Has your story hurt you lately?

(47 followers! Thanks everyone! 50 day marathon coming soon...)


Aubrie said…
It hurts me to kill characters off. Ouchies. But sometimes I have to do it!