Constantinople Houseparty - in Figures

The writers' houseparty on the Compuserve Books and Writers Forum - the ninth such party to date - is wrapping up as we speak.
With only an epilogue or two left to be written, the facts and figures are as follows:
Setting: Constantinople, 12 June 1493
Here is the house:
Unofficial Warmup Party:
Authors: 4
Characters: 20
Days: 5
Word Count: 31,900
Official Houseparty:
Days: 9
Authors: 16
Characters: 50 (plus at least 5-10 others by name and a raft of servants, djinn, etc.)
Word Count: 172,000
My total word count across two weeks is 44,000! Somewhere in between I also managed to type up all of the handwritten scenes for the novel, which now stands at 85,000 words.
I feel like taking a long break - maybe reading another The Cat Who... book - and am worried about going back to the wip. Houseparties are so fast and exciting and fun; what if the novel seems dull after this?
Thank you to Adderbury, Claire, Susan, Helen, Jenny, Shaylin, Zan Marie, Jill, Tara, ennubi, Cathy, Marilyn, Jenn, Anne-Marie, and Esme for a magical time - see you in a few months on Legend!