Beer Bread and Character Names

I did wake up with a Brilliant Idea for shaking up the beginning of the novel, but the lack of words was getting me down - I'm only 3,000 away from completing NaNo early after all - so in order to feel like I'd accomplished at least one thing today, I baked Kait's yogourt beer muffins (meanwhile, part 17 of Forsaken by Shadow is up!), which turned out very yummy, and was the easiest recipe I've followed in a long time.
Also, I've been thinking of character names again. I originally blogged about this back in 2008, where I was discussing the characters in my middle grade story The Face of A Lion.
Even after all that, however, I'd never found a surname for the main character Austin. A couple of months ago, however, he was knighted by Charles II during one of our Writers' Forum Houseparties, and I 'discovered' his full name, seeking a Welsh name that was old enough and related in some way to his family - Austin Alan Cunnick. Sir Austin to you!
I took Brother Arcturus' name from the novel Voyage to Arcturus, but then I had to define why he chose that name when he entered the monastery - and I still haven't quite found out what his real name is.
And then there's Rosa's lover and husband... I needed a Turkish name that wasn't difficult to pronounce, that was short and matched Rosa's name, in terms of sounds and syllables. So I took one from my own family, and only later did I realise I'd taken the name of a relative who'd married someone named Rose.
Some of the other names come from my research books, others haven't been chosen at all. I still have a Captain X and a Senora Y wandering the pages of the novel.
Where do your characters' names come from?
I always choose my names way b4 I start, thinks could get confusing for me if i have a Senora Y floating about.
I guess in all, it really comes from the time period and who the character is supposed to be.
I usually think of former students, then mash their names together.