Bleary-eyed and Droopy Tailed - but My Novel Is Nearing The End

Still going strong!
My schedules have gotten a bit topsy turvy, so that I'm still writing every day, but with lots of family and friend (and, oh yea, work) commitments, haven't been typing up my words nearly every day. Cracked 30,000 over the weekend but have another 6,000 to type up tonight, to bring the novel itself to c. 120,000 - the longest I've ever had.
Just look at my notebook!
Frodo did:
Here are my 15 Authors Who've Influenced Me (per the Facebook meme, off the top of my head, without overthinking it):
1. L M MontgomeryThen I added in the comments that I'd forgotten Ted Keneally, Beatrix Potter, Louisa May Alcott, Kit Pearson, Margaret Buffie - and poets! I'd forgotten all the poets! Eliot, Keats, Graves, Dorothy Parker, Vachel Lindsay, Blake, Rochester, cummings, Emily Carr, and on and on... And Dahl and Vonnegut and - where does it end?
2. Jean Little
3. J R R Tolkien
4. C S Lewis
5. John Bellairs
6. Diana Gabaldon
7. Walter de la Mare
8. Agatha Christie
9. Dorothy L Sayers
10. Marchette Chute
11. Madeleine l'Engle
12. E L Konigsburg
13. Fyodor Dostoyevksy
14. Charles Bukowski
15. James Herriott
There is something in the comraderie of seeing another long-hand-first writer's notebook! I'm not alone. ; )
If this novel ever gets finished maybe I'll put up a photo of all the different notebooks I've gone through...