Ceci n'est pas un NaNo post

There I was fretting about how to frame my blog post for the day – how many NaNo blog updates can a NaNo blogger write before NaNo readers get NaNoed out? – when my trusty sidekicks/whip hands/inspirational writing friends on The Forum came through once again!
Here's Sheena's post for the day, wherein she quotes yours truly. Where else but on the Forum can you segue from NaNo to lycanthropy to Doctor Who to VCRs to Medieval Europe, and survive another day, to talk about Thanksgiving and seven league boot spells? In re Doctor Who, visit the BBC page for links to archival footage featuring the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton, and Frazer Hines, here and here.
How To Write Badly Well mentions Istanbul! Middle Grade Giveaway is still up for grabs! Don't forget to save a word!
Must dash... got an appointment with my notebook.