NaNo Update, Because It's The First Day - and Query Contest

I'll probably only do these once a week or so, as they'll simply be word count updates. NaNo is a lot more exciting this year now that more of the Compuserve Books and Writers Community members are participating. The fact that I'm not editing but still working on the first draft of my novel might also have something to do with it, of course.
However, what with work and all, I only wrote the bare NaNo minimum today, plus two words (1,669). Though I've got at least three scenes percolating in my head that I might start working on tonight!
My progress is slightly hampered by my working method - I wrote all my words this morning, then typed them up as soon as I got home. Composing on the computer still doesn't work for me.
I debated what else to include here. A link to a fun contest, like Terry Lynn Johnson's book giveaway or my own Jean Little giveaway? Summer's fun Show Your Workspace Blogfest? (I can't really show mine as it's my notebook and pen and all the research printouts and library books and currently reading books that travel around with me in my massive purse - and then the laptop on the sofa when I get home. Wonder what it's like to have a desk at home and work?)
Then I realised that today is the beginning of round two of Disgruntled Bear's Great Query Contest - and my query for The Face of A Lion is the first one on the list! There are lots of other great queries in there too, please head over and vote for your favourite/the best one. The link is here.