This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain on NaNo.

Well, I wrote and plotted in the morning, then went to work, came home and did some chores. But after that? I read three days' worth of newspapers, a magazine, a couple of short stories and kc dyer's Facing Fire.
Imagine! Reading, for pleasure! Not for research and not while wracked with guilt for not writing.
On the other hand, this is exactly how the slippery slope starts. Now that NaNo is winding down, and I don't have the push of other Forum writers barrelling or crawling through the process with me, it's easy to fall back into old habits of "I'll just read a bit tonight. I can get more editing done tomorrow, if I get home from work early and we order take out."
That kind of talk leads to two years or more and no finished novel in sight.
What are your tips for nipping laziness in the bud? For corralling yourself back to that chair in front of your notebook/laptop?
