CANSCAIP and Charity Book Fair

It's the yesouiCANSCAIP Imagine A Story Conference! Lots of great workshops and seminars, presented by local authors and illustrators, including Jill Murray, Yeyo, Monique Polak and Marsha Skrypuch.
In other news, I spent the last little while organizing a book fair at work, which we held last week.
Here's the announcement:
Here's the layout:
Here's me putting Diana Gabaldon's book front and centre:
And here's me!:
Raised close to 900$ for a children's library in Tanzania!
So... Are you rooting for Barcelona or Manchester United?
Well, as fond as I am of football, I don't watch any of it -- but since my professor will be inevitably be rooting for Barcelona, I have a feeling I'll be siding with Manchester U just to be contrary. [g] How about you?
I used to be a Man U fan back when all the bands I listened to loved them. But, er, might root for Barcelona now on the odd chance that Rosa might have...
I tagged you on my blog, by the way.
And I'm rooting for Barcelona. Man U is not my favourite team! :(