Crusades, Celebrations and Contests

Rachel recently posted her Writer's Code, which goes for me too. Besides working every day, and having patience - and not comparing myself to others - one other item I'd add to the list is: stop obsessing over time. It's only been a year since I've been writing and revising the current novel (though there was a year before that when I was halfheartedly drafting); no reason for me to rush the process or feel as though I'm falling behind some arbitrary line.
On that note, I'm seriously considering signing up for Barbara Rogan's Revising Fiction Course, starting in June and running all summer. I've only done a few hours of editing each day in the past few days, and that's still only on paper. All those changes have to be entered into the MS, the ending needs a major overhaul (at the moment it's... dare I say it... rather lame), and I think being part of a course will give me the added discipline I need to finish the novel and get ready to - gasp! - query in autumn.
Rach's Second Writer's Platform-building Crusade has ended. Join us for the next round in August!
Oh, in case you missed it... Here's Google's Doodle for the Royal Wedding:
Definitely agree about not rushing with time. Who cares how long it takes you, as long as you get the MS where you want it to be, quality wise?
I was really interested in Barbara's course -- too bad I don't have a completed MS. [g] Let us know how it goes if you decide to join in!
I need to get back to my ms and remind myself to be patient in going through the process as well.
I don't know why it bothers me so much Jenny. I just always feel like I'm never getting anywhere.
I'm glad it was helpful Nadja! I need constant reminders...
Had no idea I was up to 500, JL! I wouldn't have checked, but for Zan Marie.
Thanks Spesh! I shouldn't be surprised - Austin's story took over two years, so by that count (and if you don't count the year that I hardly did anything on Rosa's story, before Cherry Hill), one year is practically lightning speed!
Only ONE year! I'd be thrilled to be as far along as you are and I'm starting my fourth year of Friendly Fire. We're not counting the two decade plus on Dawn and Lion. Good grief, girl! You're one of the speed demons.
Thanks for the link to my blogfest--You're in the drawing twice now. ; )
All the best!
keep smiling
Congratulations on 100 books a month, Kate!
Thank you, Nas! Off to visit your latest interview...
That's why I'm scared of writing a series, alberta - well, not that others are waiting, as yet, but that I'll keep pressuring myself...
Thanks Mary and Clarissa!
Wow @ how many posts you've done. You're a dedicated blogger.
I'm going to check out the writer's code to get some ideas. Sometimes I lapse and don't write as much as I should.