Writerly Foods: What to Eat, When (With Talli Roland!)

But what about all those other mood swings we writers experience? What should we munch on then?
I've developed a handy-dandy guide to help with just that question.
Stuck on a plot point. If your creative juices aren't flowing, why not encourage a little saliva? I'd suggest munching on something sour; perhaps some of those super-mouth-pursing penny candies from the corner shop. Or, why not try sucking a lemon?
Bored with the MS. No matter how excited we may be when we begin a new project, it's inevitable that at some stage, boredom will set in. At this point, I'd recommend a bracing bite of a durian. It tastes like feet and I can guarantee you'll feel alert after eating it!
Restless and anxious. Sometimes, reading over one's own writing and the thought of showing it to others can be vom-inducing. I'd recommend a lovely cup of chamomile tea, paired with a digestive biscuit. Ahhhh...
When that character just won't behave! Don't kill them off with abandon. Instead, I recommend cooking up a piece o' meat then stabbing it over and over to release frustration. (Note: I haven't actually done this – yet).
The elusive 'this MS rocks' moment. Grab whatever food is handy and stuff your face fast, 'coz I can guarantee that moment probably won't last!
Happy eating! Oh yes... and writing.
Talli Roland has three loves in her life: romantic comedies, coffee and wine. Born and raised in Canada, Talli now lives in London, where she savours the great cultural life (coffee and wine). Despite training as a journalist, Talli soon found she preferred making up her own stories – complete with happy endings.
The Hating Game is her first novel and her second, Watching Willow Watts, will be out soon.
I oughta try that sometime. [bg]
All the best Talli. Thanks Deniz.