Fairy Tales, Editing, Poetry and 15th Century England

Wonder how soon they can crack 2000?
There's a fun blogfest going on, all about fairy tales. Oddly enough, the Word Wenches recently featured a post on fairytales as well.
The What If? Blogfest, hosted by Morgan, Leigh, Mark and Cassie Mae, asks you to:
"Think of your favorite 'well known' fairytale and ask 'What If...!' Then, pick one of these four categories (be sure to mention which category you're joining, during your blog post!):
Best Plot Twist
Best Love Story
Best Tragedy
Best Comic Relief
Finally, write a scene(s) illustrating a new detail of the fabled fairy tale that changes our perspective."
I'm not actually entering the blogfest - if it runs again next year I might be ready then. Because... drum roll...
I've just finished writing the first draft of my own Beauty and the Beast tale!
Now I've got to type it all up. And return to Rome, Rhymes and Risk and all the editing I left behind...
Not just in Ancient Greece, but even in the last century, there used to be poetry at the Olympics! Unfortunately: "Today, lovers of poetry and sports must be content to ponder the rare survivors, like the Finnish wordsmith Aale Maria Tynni's 'Laurel of Hellas,' which took the gold at the 1948 London Games:
Laurel of Hellas noble-born, / most celebrated tree,
gazing to your lofty crown / the mind must dazzled be.
This proved the last gasp for official Olympic poetry. Organizers began to doubt the quality of the offerings, as the gulf between the sports-related entries and contemporary poetry grew ever wider. Apart from the niggling amateur question, one official speculated that 'there are not enough artists who find occasion to study the beauty of the human body in motion or have connection with the world of sport.' In 1952 at Helsinki, literature was quietly dropped, along with the other arts contests."
But The Poetry Society kept the competition alive. And they've brought in other crafts, like knitting!
As for the editing... I've been looking at some of the photos I took in England back in April/May, all set in or near the time frame of Rome, Rhymes and Risk, and the next story set in that time (1470s to 1490s), featuring Santiago and Mawdlen (Magdalena) - Rosa's parents. The best part is that this story will be set in London!
Canterbury, along the river
Panorama of Canterbury
The church where Christopher Marlowe was baptised...
...and the plaque commemorating its bombing in 1942
A Tudor building
The oldest building in Winchester
The Sun Hotel, 1503, later visited by Charles Dickens
This gate is nearly a thousand years old. Look up at those windows...
...in the 17th Century, a husband, wife, kids and hogs all lived up there together
Which fairy tale would you change the ending of?
Hm, I'd like to change the ending of Rapunzel and have her escape rather than having to let down her hair when the right man came around!
If they had poetry at the Olympics today, I would have watched it. I like poetry better than sports.
Oh, now that's interesting, Sara. Really interesting. I'll have to think about this...
It was my first time, Jeff!
Me too, Matthew!
Thanks, Gloria!
I'd have watched the poetry too, Neurotic.
I can't believe it either, Shah! I used to try to finish one before starting the next, but this story just grabbed hold of me...
Thanks, Linda! Hope you get unstuck soon!
Thanks for coming by, nutschell!
Sounds intriguing, Nadja. I love how these fairy tales and legends can be shifted and changed sometimes.
It's interesting to see all the old architecture.
I'd change the ending of Sleeping Beauty. Can't say I like the original OR Disney version of it. :P
I started out studying the early Middle Ages, and kept drifting until I ended up in the late fourteenth century, but I love it all, really.
I want to get back to the UK soon, and you've just put more dots on my map.
I can't think offhand of a fairy tale I'd like to change that hasn't been mentioned. I think there are stories galore in the Arthurian legends where I'd like to toss in a heroine with a backbone, though!
I'd love to visit Canterbury. When I go to England I always end up in Brighton and London. I'd love to explore other cities.
I rewrote Rumpelstiltskin for the blogfest. It's my favorite fairytale.
I want Cinderella to do more for herself instead of toiling away without a peep!
I'm going to post on poetry and the Olympics fairly soon .. there's a lot going on - which probably hasn't really been noticed .. even though it's well advertised. I'll link back to you ..
I think I'd change the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood - always frightened me as a kid!
Cheers Hilary
Thanks, Elizabeth - that's a great idea for the Arthurian legends.
Loved your entry, Medeia.
That would make an interesting story, Zan Marie.
Can't wait for your post, Hilary!
Thanks so much Carol :-)