ROW80, Book Releases and Blog Tours, George Formby, and a Linkfest!

English Historical Fiction Authors!
Joanna Bourne on Regency era mayhem! She's also got lots of book giveaways happening on her blog.
Sad: the only remaining Pinta Island tortoise has died.
All Neil all the time: Neil Gaiman at the Penn Museum Mesopotamian storage rooms. Awesome old comics/cartoons featuring Neil Gaiman. And...
What's that line everyone uses in funny posters? "Your argument is invalid." Well, now I've got one:
Neil Gaiman references George Formby. Your argument is invalid.
And here's the video:
Speaking of cartoons: looking forward to NaNo with Will Write for Chocolate.
And speaking of fun, Pop Sensation is still going strong, with hilarious commentary on 1950s paperback covers.
Then there's Wil Wheaton on returning to books later in life, after school.
Exclamation point news items:
Jason Goodwin's The Gunpowder Gardens: Travels through India and China in Search of Tea, is free on Kindle today! In the US and the UK.
WRiTE Club is still on! Come vote for some fun stories.
My Show me the Words! contest is still going - and I've added a new book to the prize list: a copy of A Wrinkle in Time!
J. C. Martin's Oracle Olympics are still on for her book release!
More Outlander Fun Facts from Karen!
Joy Campbell is on a blog tour to celebrate her new release!
So is Claire LeGrand!
Golden Eagle has a list of how to come up with blog topics. I fancy the Rick rolling our readers idea!
Meanwhile, ROW80. Since I've finished the first draft of Fred and Lyne's story (!) I've got to revise my list, and it's a long one:
1. Continue with edits for Rome, Rhymes and Risk
2. Revise query (I've been told it's kinda flat. Sigh.) (We're featuring queries in this month's writers' exercises on the forum. Here's my query, and my exercise entry)
3. Edit latest short story
4. Type up Fred and Lyne's story (And, er, find a title)
5. Write two book reviews and another essay for Bizim Anadolu
I kinda only feel like doing the latter... Unless I get an unexpected few days off work and devote all the time to writing/editing. A writer can dream, no?
Hope everyone's having a good week. If you've got links, please share!
I've never written a query letter, so take my thoughts with a hefty pinch of salt. Lol.
I'd name the opposing religions, and explore how the land Rosa's family has sought sanctuary in becomes another nightmare after her father and brother's arrest. I'd also add a sentence or two about the relationship between Rosa and Baha.
I wish I could be of more help...but I have no experience on which to draw. Hope it helps anyway. I will say, that based on your book description, I'd snap the title up!
Gold star for the Wil Wheaton mention. Love him!!! :)
You have so much for me to investigate here, thanks, Deniz!
Good luck with your many projects.
Good luck with your ROW80 goals!
Thanks for the links... You are one busy lady! Good luck this week with all your endeavors.
It looks very favorable that we will be spending the holidays in Montreal! I am currently looking for condos to rent since we want to spend a couple of weeks. It should be so awesome!
I hope you'll be around for us to have a coffee and Christmas drink. i'm looking so forward to it!
You can do this. I've been there with the flat query. It's fixable.
Thanks Lauralynn and Kate and Glynis and Hart and Emily! :-)
Woo hoo! I'm already excited, Michael!
Aww, thanks, Theresa.
Thanks Cherie and Medeia!
But it's all fun stuff, Al! Except for the darn query.