Where Would You Go and Who Would You Be?

I'm about 10,000 words away from completing the first draft of Fred and Lyne's story and I'd love to take a reading break somewhere.
So, inspired by a recent post of Joshua's, here are the top five places I want to vacation:
The Highlands and the Scottish Isles
(image from Wikimedia Commons)
Hay-on-Wye, Wales: So many bookshops, so small a baggage allowance on the flight home...
(screenshot from the Old Hay site)
Anywhere in the middle of Italy
(Valley by Fabrizio Conti from Public Domain Pictures)
Hobbiton. Er, I mean, New Zealand
(screenshot from Cool Pictures)
On the Orient Express, from London to Istanbul
(image from Wikimedia Commons)
Of course, none of this is likely to happen any time soon. Not to mention, I'm supposed to be editing!
Meanwhile, Margo had a fun list the other day too: Top Ten Characters I'd Switch Places With
I agree with Margo on Lucy Pevensie, Eowyn and Hermione, and I can think of three more right off the bat:
Claire at the end of Voyager, when she's got a whole new world ahead of her with Jamie at her side (by the way, Karen's hosting an Outlander Photo Contest!)
The mother/author in The Railway Children
Anne Shirley, the year that she lives in her House of Dreams
Where would you go and who would you be?
All of those UK Islands are near the top of my wish list, too.
I'd go anywhere that it's not high, hot, humid summer! Can you tell what our weather has been forever. ; )
As for characters, I'd love to be Claire Fraser or Bree Fraser McKenzie. : )
I've always been curious about James and the Giant Peach. It would be interesting to live in an oversized fruit.
P.S. Thanks for the kind comments on my blog today, Deniz. It's been kind of a crazy summer out my way. Sorry I've been a stranger. :)
Who would I trade places with? That is a tough question, but your list sounds good. :)
Dear me, I'd love to go to New Zealand. And I wouldn't mind trading places with Hermione. She got to kick a lot of butt :-)
Have fun editing!
Scotland - the Highlands
All around the Mediterranean.
St. Petersburg
Germany - all of it. The Black Forest first.
I'm on a Native American reading kick for some research ...and I would like to meet a real Indian and learn their way of life. I would live in a teepee and be wild and free. I would see their dances - and marvel (and maybe shudder) at the fierce, painted warriors. In learning about how they view life and living (at least in the 1700 and 1800's) I have discovered a simplicity - yet a wisdom - that appeals to my way of thinking.
Fascinating all around.
Cheers - love your thoughts and this post - Hilary
I'd like to try being a selkie too, Sara!
I hope you get to go, E. J.!
Great choice, Jemi.
Take me with you, Zan Marie! It's too darn humid here...
Oh that's a fun choice Medeia!
I'd love to see Italy, Liz.
I'm jealous, nutschell - I'd love to see NZ.
I'll sigh with you, Karen.
Exactly, Carolyn! I want to see all of Europe!
I'd like to see more of the US too, Linda - I haven't even been to the west coast!
Love Hermione, Angela :-)
They do?? I didn't know that, Jamie. All the more reason to visit.
Thanks, Vicki and Madeleine and Al!
I'll come all around the Mediterranean with you, Nadja. and back in time too :-)
Love your travel idea, Hilary.
So exciting that you're so close to the end!
Let's go, Kate!
Can't think of a character I'd like to trade with. Anne's not a bad idea... So pretty where she lived.