Jessica Bell, Hobbitfest, and Dispatches from the Twitterverse, featuring Doctor Who and Joe Hill

This post serves as a prelude to my upcoming Books Read posts. I've knocked off all the poems and short stories and one-off chapters and forewords from the list at the bottom of the blog (unless they were part of an anthology or collection) and I've got... 93 so far! Er, and that's counting all the children's and board books I've read. Think I can catch up in two weeks?
I've got longer than that for the Canadian challenge, at least - all the way until next July. So far I've read these awesome Canadian authors:
Talli Roland
Kate Pullinger
Hélène Boudreau
Kim Bellefontaine
Meanwhile, across the seas, Jessica Bell's Show and Tell in a Nutshell is out!
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In Show & Tell in a Nutshell: Demonstrated Transitions from Telling to Showing you will find sixteen real scenes depicting a variety of situations, emotions, and characteristics which clearly demonstrate how to turn telling into showing. Dispersed throughout, and at the back of the book, are blank pages to take notes as you read. A few short writing prompts are also provided.
Not only is this pocket guide an excellent learning tool for aspiring writers, but it is a light, convenient, and easy solution to honing your craft no matter how broad your writing experience. Keep it in the side pocket of your school bag, throw it in your purse, or even carry it around in the pocket of your jeans or jacket, to enhance your skills, keep notes, and jot down story ideas, anywhere, anytime.
If you purchase the e-book, you will be armed with the convenient hyper-linked Contents Page, where you can toggle backward and forward from different scenes with ease. Use your e-reader's highlighting and note-taking tools to keep notes instead.
The author, Jessica Bell, also welcomes questions via email, concerning the content of this book, or about showing vs. telling in general, at
“Jessica Bell addresses one of the most common yet elusive pieces of writing advice—show, don't tell—in a uniquely user-friendly and effective way: by example. By studying the sixteen scenes she converts from “telling” into “showing,” not only will you clearly understand the difference; you will be inspired by her vivid imagery and dialogue to pour through your drafts and do the same.” ~Jenny Baranick, College English Teacher, Author of Missed Periods and Other Grammar Scares
“A practical, no-nonsense resource that will help new and experienced writers alike deal with that dreaded piece of advice: show, don’t tell. I wish Bell’s book had been around when I started writing!” ~Talli Roland, bestselling author
Purchase the paperback:
$4.40 on Amazon US
£3.99 on Amazon UK
Purchase the e-book:
$1.99 on Amazon US
£1.99 on Amazon UK
$1.99 on Kobo

The Australian-native contemporary fiction author and poet, Jessica Bell, also makes a living as an editor and writer for global ELT publishers (English Language Teaching), such as Pearson Education, HarperCollins, Macmillan Education, Education First and Cengage Learning.
She is the Co-Publishing Editor of Vine Leaves Literary Journal, and co-hosts the Homeric Writers’ Retreat & Workshop on the Greek Isle of Ithaca, with Chuck Sambuchino of Writer’s Digest.
For more information about Jessica Bell, please visit:
And now, HobbitFest!
Hosted by M Pax and Tyrean Martinson.
There are four questions:
What is your favourite hobbit characteristic/or the one that you think closely resembles you...?
Hmm, something along the lines of hoarding. I love giving gifts, but I also like maps and genealogies. And breakfast. And pubs, of course!
Save The Hobbit!
If you could choose between a scrumptious second breakfast and a perilous unexpected journey – which would you prefer?
I love breakfast (with unlimited coffee) but since I've never been on an unexpected journey, I'll go with the latter. I need to brush up on my riddling!
Have you ever left behind something on a journey (expected or unexpected) and wished you could have it over and over again? (a pocket handkerchief?)
I lost a pair of pants once... I swear I left them at my grandmother's house... But where did they go?
What is your favourite part or quote from the book that you hope will be in the movie?
All of it? The songs, definitely. The more trailers I see, the more I'm afraid everyone's going to be talking in affected accents again. Why can't they speak naturally, as if they're living their lives and not on camera?
Some of the scenes I'm excited to see probably won't come until the second or third film - Bilbo and Thorin's final farewell, Bilbo's invisibility before Smaug, the eucatastrophe moment when Bilbo cries "the Eagles are coming!"
Say, does anyone know who's going to be playing Bard the Bowman?
PS, I'd love to attend the 75th anniversary of The Hobbit conference at Valparaiso! And look! They're angling for a Silmarillion movie!
In case you thought I'd forgotten about writing completely, #ROW80 is going slowly. I did get some editing done on Druid's Moon! I love the story and characters. But, oh boy, the words sure need beating into shape.
In closing, I bring you Dispatches from the Twitterverse:
Doctor Who: they film more than they show! Gaiman outtakes!
Joe Hill likes the Whisky Trench Riders!
Here's the song he selected: The Wandering Ragged Stranger
What's going on in your universe?
Ready for the Hobbit blogfest and read Jessica's book - excellent examples!
I know you're a big Hobbit fan! Nice to see the picture of you.
What's going on with me? It's Hanukkah, so lots of holiday stuff. And revisions...
I've previously downloaded Show and Tell in a Nutshell but have yet to read it. It's on my list of things to do over the holidays.
I loved your photo. Very beautiful.
I've got Jessica's book now but haven't had time to read ...
Fun blogfest coming up. I'm enjoying reading the first entries to the Holiday Spirit blogfest.
Ann Best’s Blog
The Hobbit fest is great .. and I saw the film yesterday - lucky me!!
Cheers Hilary
Jackson version is never quite the same as my imagined version while reading the books, but I still enjoyed the movie a great deal.
And Silmarillion - that would be interesting.
Thanks for joining Hobbit Fest - hope you find your pants someday!
My favorite scene was the end with Bilbo and Thorin, too. So nice choice!
I loved all your answers Deniz :)
Like you, I'm a huge fan of breakfast so I'm not quite sure I could give it up! Hmm.
love your answer for #1 hobbit characteristics! totally agree =)
happy hobbit days!
Ha, ha, Alex! No, I had a suitcase full of other clothes, luckily... But I really liked those pants! You know how I feel, Susan :-)
You're right, Tyrean, I thought they did the "cleaning up" scene with the plates rather well.