Summertime! Shakespeare, Farm-fresh Goodies, Train Tracks, and Outdoor Edits

Which means Shakespeare in the Park!
In this case, A Midsummer Night's Dream, which was all the more meaningful to me because I've just read the Sandman version for the first time.
Titania and her handmaiden
It's always exciting to see and hear lines you know so well ("if we shadows have offended...") performed live.
Summertime also means outdoor editing! This was me finishing up edits on Druid's Moon a few weeks ago:
And farm-fresh food! We get ours from Arlington Gardens
Meanwhile, at the train station the other day, I noticed something odd:
Dominion tracks
"Oh Mackie!"
I wonder what that means?
ROW80 typing going slowly, but well. I love rediscovering characters; I hadn't read a word of this story since finishing it during last year's NaNo.
Hope you're having a lovely summer!
I think seeing Shakespeare done outdoors would be lovely. We have nothing like that around here.
While I've been a Shakespeare fans for many decades there is nothing better than seeing it as it was meant to be...a play acted on a stage.
Outdoor performances are always a joy.
Good luck with Druid's Moon!
Shakespeare in the park. I didn't know that was real. I don't suppose they do, "Doth mother know you wearth her drapes?"
It looks like you're having a wonderful time during these end days of summer.
Love the farm food - always much better and so fresh ...
I thought you were thinking about the lack of one bolt?! Engineering companies no longer with us - perhaps though .. cheers Hilary
My new home is too bright on patio for my laptop, but previous home had a northside porch that was perfect. Sure miss those outdoor writing sessions!
My summer's still a few months away, but I'm glad to see you're enjoying yours. :-)
Aww, you're probably right, Alex :-( I was reading it as "Oh! Mackie" when it's probably just the more prosaic "O. H. Mackie"...
It was, Sara! I've always been kinda half in love with Santiago myself. It's really exciting rereading his and Magdalena's falling-in-love.
Glad you had a lovely time in Montreal, Vicki!
D'you mean, do they keep the original language, Jack? I think they did - but hearing it onstage makes it seem more "real" and less "verily, forsooth!"