Rembrandt and IWSG Day and NaNoWriMo

I took these photos with my phone, but even if I'd had our new camera with us, I doubt I could have done the drawings justice. They're so detailed, so finely drawn and made, that only seeing them in person gives the full effect. Each one is nearly 400 years old yet looks as though it was made yesterday.
Many of these are etchings, made on copper plate, rather than drawn with ink on paper, which makes their level of detail all the more striking.
Visit the Rembrandt site for clearer images of some of these etchings.
I hope they can add some inspiration on Insecure Writer's Support Group Day!
Especially as this is the first week of NaNoWriMo! The story I'm trying to draft this year has no proper title, but because the first image came to me in a dream, and it happened to be in a car wash, I'm calling it Car Wash Murder Mystery.
It's my first attempt at a mystery, a genre I've enjoyed reading for years.
A man and a woman meet at a car wash and fall in love. Theirs is a whirlwind courtship 35 years in the making -- they've been waiting all their lives, without knowing it, to finally come together, all thanks to a broken down car.
Sounds like a happily ever after. Yet three days after they've met, during a weekend getaway in the Alps, the world-famous chef at their hotel is found dead.
Suicide of a celebrity? A personal murder? Or something more...
As threats to their lives come swifter and closer, the couple's new found love is put to the ultimate test. How well can we know another human being? How long does it take to establish trust?
How many secrets do we keep?
Are you participating in NaNoWriMo?
Brilliant you've seen the Rembrandt art works ... I did a talk on him and wrote a great deal about his illustrations -they were more important in his era than the paintings we admire today. I learnt a lot!
Good luck with NaNo .. cheers Hilary
Old pen and ink drawing are so amazing.
There are so many possibilities/twists you can incorporate as you go along.
Good luck with NaNoWriMo! Break a pencil! Shred a notebook!
As for the mystery--bring it on! I cant' wait to see how it plays out.