Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2015 (repost)

iatus! (thank you to Magali Studer for the drop cap!) Following my happy announcement from a few months ago, life has gotten extra busy! I'm going to be rerunning a few classic posts on the blog from now until January; I'll miss some Insecure Writer's Support Group posts and checking in for A Round of Words in 80 Days , though I may try to note some updates in comments. And my Books Read in 2018 post will likely be delayed! is for ze rest of ze list! For this year's A to Z Challenge I featured books I've read based on the Reading Challenge . Today's post details all the categories that didn't fit under A to Y! A book with more than 500 pages: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas A classic romance: Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell A book that became a movie: The Human Comedy by William Saroyan A book written by someone under 30: Liza of Lambeth by Somerset Maugham A funny book: Flowers for Mrs Harris by Paul G...