First Annual #AtoZChallenge Book Reviews, Tour, and Blog Hop! -- J. L. Dorner

Today's author is J. Lenni Dorner!
Writing Book Reviews As An Author: Inspiration To Make It Easier
(release date: 26 March; adult reference, craft of writing)
Writing Book Reviews As An Author: Inspiration To Make It Easier is a #BookReview literary criticism and critique reference book for #writers by #author @JLenniDorner.
It aims to provide inspiration to encourage people to write more book reviews. It is written for authors, though any reader can benefit.
Pre-order it on Amazon and Smashwords!
Exclusive tour content: A never-before-seen quote from the book!:
Why did you take part in the A to Z Challenge the year that your book was given life?
It's the 10-year anniversary. I'm very excited to be a co-host of the A to Z Challenge. This is an incredible community.
Why did you start blogging?
This is answered in my very first blog post:
"You may wonder why I started a blog. I may wonder that too! Actually, this blog was started because I heard about the A to Z challenge from some NaNoWriMo friends."
Do you have any other books coming out soon?
This is my current new publication. I have several stories in the works though.
What other books do you have available?
Fractions of Existence, an urban fantasy. Free on Kindle Unlimited.
Do you have a brief writing tip?
Here's a motivational quote of mine about when you feel like giving up on writing:
Where did the idea for this book come from, other than the alphabet and the A to Z Challenge?
The idea came from interviewing so many debut authors at Operation Awesome. I noticed that some authors reviewed a lot of books, and others had never written one. I set out to inspire those who didn't write reviews. It turned out to be long enough for a month of blog posts. Then I noticed I had enough to make a reference book.
What writing goal do you hope to accomplish this year?
My biggest writing goal this year is to publish two books in 2019.
As a reader, what most motivates you to buy a new book to read?
A recommendation from a trusted source, reading something interesting about the book, or the book being by an author I like.
What research did you do for your book?
Before I started writing Writing Book Reviews As An Author: Inspiration To Make It Easier, I had interviewed many debut authors at the Operation Awesome blog. When I came across an author who didn't write book reviews, I asked them about it. Then I asked some book reviewers I know why they do write reviews. Then I spent a few months researching what makes a good book review, why people read reviews, and how authors can make their reviews interesting. I added my own experience, tested the book several times, and finally felt I had something worth sharing.
Find out more about J. Lenni Dorner and get in touch!
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A to Z Challenge
Hope you've enjoyed this spot on the tour!
There's one more author feature to come next week, and after that I might finally have my Books Read in 2018 post prepared! Not to mention my overdue reviews of last year's writing and other hobbies, and a revamp of my goals for this year.
What motivates you to write book reviews?
Or, if you don't write them, what deters you?
Or, if you don't write them, what deters you?