
Showing posts from April, 2019

Friday Five on A Wednesday!

ive revisited! I first did the Friday Five in 2010 : Hereā€™re the rules: Answer 5 questions 5 times and then tag 5 people to play. Question 1: Where were you 5 years ago? (my answers span the summers of 2004-2006) On vacation in England and Scotland and Wales and Turkey Planning my wedding Reading Diana Gabaldonā€™s books for the first time Joining the Compuserve Books and Writers Community Starting to write again after not having had any inspiration for a couple of years! Question 2: Where would you like to be 5 years from now? In a new house, possibly by the water, possibly in another country Possibly with a puppy, which my cats will get along with A gardener (I canā€™t say ā€˜a better gardenerā€™ because Iā€™m not any kind of gardener at the moment.) With an agent! And with a book deal! A regular attendee at the Surrey International Writersā€™ Conference ā€“ and meeting some of my forum and blog friends Question 3: What 5 things are (were) on your to-do list today? Comment o...

This Week in History: Titanic

his week in history... The RMS Titanic sank, on 14 April 1912. Our last writers' houseparty , back in January, was set on the Titanic. I ended up with over 25,000 words at this party (not my highest houseparty word count ever!). This was the first time since maybe the first handful of houseparties that I didn't bring characters from a WiP, or a novel I was editing, or with specific story and character questions I needed answers to. I brought Brother Arcturus, Austin, and Kedi . Austin and Kedi have attended every houseparty ever held. Austin started off as a YA character, and as he grew, was the only one of my characters not involved in a romance. That all changed at the writers' houseparty set in San Francisco in 1865, when he met Barb, a character of another author. They were 15 at the time. Austin kept her in his thoughts, but was unable to act on his feelings at the Grand Finale writers' houseparty , at 20, because she was married. He arrived on t...