Today's ROW80 Update Brought to You By...


They have sheep grazing at the Palais des Nations, as part of environmentally friendly gardening practices:

This is post 1200 on my blog! No time now to run a contest or other celebration, but maybe I'll host one around Christmas, as part of my Annual Books Read post.

As for ROW80, I've been keeping up with schoolwork, and haven't written in a little while. I'm starting to feel the lack of story. NaNoWriMo can't come soon enough! Two of my assignments should be submitted by then, giving me some wiggle room.


Chestnut tree

Field near our house

View from the United Nations rooftop

What's your favourite way to celebrate blogging milestones?


Suppose the milestone is returning to blogging after a break of two years, due to caring duties. So a milestone of sorts, and folowers gradually returning which is pleasing 🤗
Congratulations! How many years have you been posting now?
Shannon Yseult said…
Congrats on your 1200th post! That is quite impressive! I'm getting excited for NaNo myself, there's a lot to do to get ready, but it's always worth it!
Hi Deniz - yes ... congratulations on your post numbering ... many, many ... you've done the 100s, now into the 1,000s!! Love the sheep - they have them grazing in Green Park and on Hampstead Heath in the summer ... it was lovely to see.

How wonderful to have that rooftop view, when you can get up there and away from work ... gorgeous vistas - good luck with all ... NaNo is almost here - cheers Hilary
Deniz Bevan said…
Belated thanks for coming by, all!