Jemi's Brownie Muffins, the Great Agatha Christie Reread, and Paris Review Interviews
ame Agatha Christie! I came across the Agatha Christie " Read Christie 2021 " challenge the other day. I was already in the middle of rereading some of the books (I'd decided to reread all the Captain Hastings stories in order), and then when I saw how, er, minimal the 2021 challenge was, I decided to reread every single book. I ordered the 10 books left that I don't own copies of (and forgot one, so I need an excuse to put in another order, possibly with the next birthday gift we need to get!) but I'd already started reading, so I'm kind of reading out of order a bit, which is mildly upsetting. But I've gone too far to restart properly! Last year, I read and/or reread all the Miss Marple novels, all the Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot short stories, and all of the poems: 1. Sleeping Murder (reread) 2. The Moving Finger (possibly a reread?) 3. The Mirror Crackād from Side to Side (reread) 4. What Mrs McGillicuddy Saw (reread) 5. The Murder A...