
Showing posts from February, 2021

Jemi's Brownie Muffins, the Great Agatha Christie Reread, and Paris Review Interviews

ame Agatha Christie! I came across the Agatha Christie " Read Christie 2021 " challenge the other day. I was already in the middle of rereading some of the books (I'd decided to reread all the Captain Hastings stories in order), and then when I saw how, er, minimal the 2021 challenge was, I decided to reread every single book. I ordered the 10 books left that I don't own copies of (and forgot one, so I need an excuse to put in another order, possibly with the next birthday gift we need to get!) but I'd already started reading, so I'm kind of reading out of order a bit, which is mildly upsetting. But I've gone too far to restart properly! Last year, I read and/or reread all the Miss Marple novels, all the Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot short stories, and all of the poems: 1. Sleeping Murder (reread) 2. The Moving Finger (possibly a reread?) 3. The Mirror Crackā€™d from Side to Side (reread) 4. What Mrs McGillicuddy Saw (reread) 5. The Murder A...

I Read Canadian! and More Snow!

Canada! Today is I Read Canadian! day, and I'm celebrating by mentioning all the favourite Canadian children's literature authors I've blogged about before! I'm sure I'm even forgetting a few, and I'm not always consistent about noting the illustrators, unfortunately. I did blog about at least one book by province or territory , though -- twice ! The official I Read Canadian Da y site states: "I Read Canadian Day is a new nationwide initiative that celebrates the richness, diversity and breadth of Canadian literature. Taking place for the second year on February 17, 2021, this celebration will empower families, schools, libraries, bookstores and organizations to host activities and events by reading Canadian books for just fifteen minutes. For more information, visit and sign up for free to participate. Help get the word out on social media by following @IReadCanadian and using the hashtag #IReadCanadian." Don't forge...

New Release from Catherine Mckenzie, A Walk in Montreal, and Tolkien Fandom Interviews

ew book coming! Six Weeks to Live by Catherine McKenzie Coming 4 May 2021! Jennifer Barnes never expected the shocking news she received at a routine doctorā€™s appointment: she has a terminal brain tumorā€”and only six weeks left to live. While stunned by the diagnosis, the forty-eight-year-old mother decides to spend what little time she has left with her familyā€”her adult triplets and twin grandsonsā€”close by her side. But when she realizes she was possibly poisoned a year earlier, sheā€™s determined to discover who might have tried to get rid of her before sheā€™s gone for good. Separated from her husband and with a contentious divorce in progress, Jennifer focuses her suspicions on her soon-to-be ex. Meanwhile, her daughters are each processing the news differently. Calm medical student Emily is there for whatever Jennifer needs. Moody scientist Aline, who keeps her mother at armā€™s length, nonetheless agrees to help with the investigation. Even imprudent Miranda, who has recentl...

IWSG Day, Words I've Invented, and Yet More Snow!

elcome to the blog! Itā€™s Insecure Writerā€™s Support Group day! Letā€™s rock the neurotic writing world! Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.    February 3 question - Blogging is often more than just sharing stories. Itā€™s often the start of special friendships and relationships. Have you made any friends through the blogosphere? The awesome co-hosts for the February 3 posting of the IWSG are Louise - Fundy Blue , Jennifer Lane, Mary Aalgaard, Patsy Collins at Womagwriter, and Nancy Gideon! I am so happy to have made friends through the blogosphere! I celebrated many of them throughout the A to Z Blogging Challenge in 2017 , one fellow blogger per day! It's awesome to see how many of us have kepy up our blogs for so many years. I haven't quite met my ROW80 goals. I've been submitting short pieces here and there, hoping for a bite! Overall, though, I've been reading and knitting and baking. And we keep getting snow! A Linus blanket, upon re...