
Showing posts from September, 2021

All-Crafts Post and Views

y latest series of baking and views from around the house! And more photos by the budding photographer! Bread! Heirloom apples from our garden! PoğaƧa Bread with tuna... ...or with butter and jam! Outlander baking! Donkey! Strawberry! Sheep! Grapes! Red lentil soup! And tomatoes from our balcony! Our first apple tree Watching a storm roll in All the photos below were taken by Em! Which are your favourite flowers?

Book Trailer Photos! And Catching Up On ROW80

issed checking in for ROW80 lately! My last ROW80 update was a month ago. After that lengthy update, my two short-term goals were: Two ongoing projects are to edit my new story and submit to SIWC and copy-edit a short story collection (not mine!) prior to publication One thing I haven't done yet is to revise the query letter for The Charm of Time and send it out to some new agents or publishers. I should do the same for Captive of the Sea . I've done both the first items! I've passed Captive of the Sea on to my sister to read one last time. I'd like to try submitting both novels before the end of the year, the first to a small press and the second to Harlequin. Wish me luck! Here are some screen shots I took of my part of the book trailer for the Insecure Writer's Support Group anthology Dark Matter: Artifical : And here's something fun: I joined the Shakespeare and Company newsletter , and a while ago they sent some backgrounds! I haven...