Photos of Various Travels Part II: Three Pines in Switzerland

Photo posts!

It's summertime in our hemisphere and work and life are busy. I don't have any vacations coming up in the next few weeks, so I'm going to catch up on sharing photos from previous trips.

In between writing, of course! I'm still trying to finish the draft of The Future in Time, but in between I write a new short piece for a contest! And I'm trying to find homes for some of my other short pieces...

The second batch is photos from a weekend a couple of months ago! Also a visit from a cheeky squirrel...

Have you travelled anywhere lovely in your neighbourhood?


cleemckenzie said…
Have a wonderful summer. Loved the pictures of your part of the world.
Hi Deniz - lovely photos ... I guess being in Switzerland and other nearby countries - there must be some amazing places to visit - and some you've shown here. Good luck with short story writing and placement - cheers Hilary
I like watching squirrels eat; they're always so focused and particular when they eat. I like the pictures of the stained glass windows too. I watched a YouTube video of a family living in one of those "tiny houses", and one of the things that stood out was that they had small stained glass windows in their loft bedrooms. I wish I could have one in my own room.
Deniz Bevan said…
Thank you to the three of you for coming by!
I wish we could have some stained glass in our house, too. It must be lovely to watch the light and colour throughout the day.