Harking Back to Summertime and Ancient To Do Lists

Setting up the bonfire for Swiss National Day!
Lake Geneva/Lac Leman
Paddle steamer still running after 100 years
Swiss cola
Ah, this is the life
I have a colouring book of old cars that I picked up somewhere decades ago. I love it! Plus, it's useful for research...
Typing up Larksong at the beach
My Luddite NaNo count for Larksong, way back when
So much still left untyped! I've gotten it down to one notebook now, wish me luck!
In other news, I found an old to do list from 2009! Some of the items are still valid; I've annotated it:
sell fireplace [nowadays we actually use our electric fireplace, but this could easily refer to other items around the house (humidifier, anyone?) that we once needed and no longer do]
start scrapbook [well, I've finished all the scrapbooks that were ever in progress, but I still need to keep up with printing photos in albums and actually labelling them...]
print research in gmail [this never ends]
read and go to McGill library for more research [this is also ongoing! As long as there are books to write...]
finish knitting projects and start crochet [ha ha ha, this hasn't changed at all!]
finish Christmas gifts and cards [well, this comes up every year, so of course it's still valid, and I could add "do annual donations" to it]
send that photo to the Karabuk restaurant! [this is a reference to photos taken of friends or family or places that I mean to share; I don't always manage to remember to do so!
use that package of Kazandibi before it expires [ongoing baking projects. I wonder why I was making Turkish burnt pudding from a mix? Must have been a gift from someone]
add books to catalogue [ha ha ha, this is also very much still valid!]
put more books and cds in bins [storage and sorting never ends, does it?]
clear out more stuff/junk from the library [happily, after three moves in eight years, we don't have half as much junk. But I'd like to organize the library a little more... I aspire to the gorgeousness of a friend's library of boks and plants and comfy armchairs]
Are you in between seasons?
Do you feel like cleaning and organizing as a season changes?
It must have been interesting to look at your old to-do list and see how much you've achieved and also what you've not gotten around to yet.
Thank you, Anstice! It sort of makes me feel good, seeing how many writing projects I've got under my belt!