
Showing posts from March, 2023

Photos For Upcoming Stories!

fter a break of four years, from 2018 to 2021, Iā€™m doing the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge again this year! In 2017, I collated all my blog posts up till then In 2016, I focused on JRR Tolkien and the Inklings In 2015, I featured books Iā€™d read based on a reading challenge In 2014, I didnā€™t have a theme ! In 2013, I collated all my Twitter favourites up till then (it was a LOT easier to organize Twitter back then)  In 2012, I listed all my favourite books Then, in 2022, I focused on fellow authors and bloggers , covering all the guest posts, blog hops, cover reveals, interviews, and more, that Iā€™ve featured over the years. This year Iā€™m going to focus on writing by me and my family! Please share links to your own stories and crafts in the comments!   This year's A to Z Team is: Arlee Bird (founder) šŸ‘Ø he/him @ Tossing it Out J Lenni Dorner (captain) šŸ‘Ø he/him or šŸ§‘šŸ½ they/them @ Blog of Author J Lenni Dorner Zalka Csenge VirĆ”g šŸ‘© she/her @ The Multicolore...

Tolkien Reading Day and the Olympic Museum in Lausanne

oday is Tolkien Reading Day!   What is Tolkien Reading Day? Tolkien Reading Day is held on the 25 th of March each year. The date of the 25 th of March was chosen as the date on which the Ring was destroyed, completing Frodoā€™s quest and vanquishing Sauron. It has been organised by the Tolkien Society since 2003 to encourage fans to celebrate and promote the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien by reading favourite passages. We particularly encourage schools, museums and libraries to host their own Tolkien Reading Day events. This year's theme is travel and adventure! One of my first tumblr posts was a favourite drawing of Tolkien's which sums up the spirit of travel and adventure for me. And hey, look, apparently on the desktop version, it's the background to my tumblr site ! Somewhat related, we visited the Olympic Museum in Lausanne last month! Small aerodrome on the way, which reminds me of my pilot character, Stephanie, from The Flight of Time English church...