
Showing posts from May, 2023

OFMD Part 5 Baking with Samba, Austin Noir, Summer Fire Review Contest

ur Flag Means Death part 5!   The older posts are here: Part 1 , Part 2 (featuring stickers), Part 3 , and Part 4 (featuring knitting). Part 5 features some random photos of a baking class I took part in, hosted by Samba Schutte ! Proceeds of the event were in support of Every Mother Counts . We made a chocolate tart! Getting ready... Baking the crust... Can I have some? Why not? Here we go! Yum Uh oh, chocolate explosion... The next day: Only one slice left! Extra! Adorable bees by McStuffies   New from Akashic Books ! The Austin Noir collection, featuring a great (sad) story by Gabino Iglesias ā€œYouā€™ve probably heard of Austin. You may have been here for South by Southwest. Your best friend may have recently relocated here from California. You might have thought about moving here yourself, then decided it wasnā€™t worth it to live in Texas. You may have moved to Austin decades ago. You may even have been born and raised in Austin, and now y...

Please Welcome Author Michael Roth!

new guest today! Please welcome Michael Roth , author of River's New Friend : River is a puppy in search of a new friend. When Mom and Dad bring home a new, little sister, named Willow, River expects Willow will be the perfect friend. But Willow steals food, slobbers on toys, makes messes all over the house, and takes away from River's time with Mom and Dad. River is sure there has been a terrible mistake. Willow isn't a new friend, she's a MONSTER! River does not want to play with her sister, she will find a new friend instead. "A humorous, heartwarming, and honest story about learning to appreciate a challenging, new sibling." River's New Friend highlights that relationships with siblings can be challenging sometimes, but through the story, River learns to appreciate her new sister and by the end River is glad that her sister is part of the family. River's New Friend is full of humor and has fun read-along elements like animal sounds and acti...

Vanessa is Visiting Today!

welcome, Vanessa, author of the Fireborn series! I actually never meant for Fireborn to be a series. I wrote Dragon Whisperer before I discovered the joys (and somewhat necessity) of outlining and I didnā€™t even have a clear idea of where the book was going as I was writing it, except that I meant for it to be a stand alone. In a lot of ways, the first three books do stand alone, each with a different protagonist and influenced by previous events but not in a way that readers necessarily need to see. So anyway, I hadnā€™t intended to write a sequel to Dragon Whisperer, let alone an entire series. But once friends and family started reading it, they kept asking me when I was writing another one. For a long time I didnā€™t know how to answer that. Dionelleā€™s story was over. Now that cozy fantasy is a thing, I see that I probably could have taken her story in that direction for some sequelsā€”and I might still! Tangent books are fun! But as I went to workshops on writing series and the ben...

I'm on a Different Blog Today!

ome visit me at the Insecure Writer's Group Anthologies blog!   Just for fun: an older Heidelberg printing press! Have you guest posted recently? Please share links!

IWSG Day, ROW80 Round 2, A to Z Wrapup, and OFMD Knitting!

ound two of A Round of Words in 80 Days has begun!  My previous goals included working on the following:   1. Larksong : I need to finish entering all the edits on paper and finish research 2. A Stitch in Time : I need to edit this thing because... 3. A Stitch in Time Outtake : I need to finish drafting this, so I can possibly issue both stories together! [one scene edited and posted!] 4. The Flight of Time : It's ready to go! I just need to finish the synopsis! Instead of working on those, I wrote a handful of new stories! Links are available on my new ko-fi page (yes, I'm set up to receive donations, but any and all amounts received will go back to supporting other creators!). For this round, then, my goals are to finish the remaining chapters of the two ongoing stories (two chapters left for one and eight for the other). The second one references my favourite play, Into the Woods! It's Insecure Writer's Support Group Day today! Purpose: To share and encourage....