Visit to Ottawa and Montreal Photos 1/3

Ottawa and Montreal!

Miscellaneous photos from a trip in August!

Very miscellaneous, as the order has gotten all messed up!

Double rainbow!

Setting out

Back to the rainbow

Rewatching yet again on my flight!

Backyard squirrel!

Family art 1

Family art 2

A random painting I really liked

Nephew's aquarium!

The sky over Greene Avenue, Montreal

Mmm, eclairs...

Canadian skies

Homemade creme brulee 1

Cones, cones, everywhere, as far as they eye can see

Ottawa in the distance!


Mmm, bread...


Mmm, beaver tails...

Random bits of history

Maman by Louise Bourgeois. I featured this sculpture in a story!

Hard to see sculptures...

Sasquatch again!

Homemade creme brulee 2

The squirrel's back!

Headed home...

What's a new-to-you dessert you've tried recently?


Hi Deniz - it must have been lovely for you all to be home in Canada - interesting history around to enlighten anyone interested ... Henry J Friel ... fun to learn that Ottawa was originally called Bytown. Food ... food ... glorious food - creme brulee is delicious isn't it - well done on making it. I'd never heard of the tv series ... so if I spot it - I'll check it out. Cheers Hilary
Deniz Bevan said…
Ooh, I hope you like it! Both seasons are now available on BBC iPlayer :-)
Deniz Bevan said…
Huge! And an egg sac, too!