Goodall, Tolkien, Cryptid Factor, and a Stork!

I got to attend a talk given by Jane Goodall!

The pictures are blurry because they're my own, and I was up on a balcony. She's so inspiring, and so very patient. I aspire to be as calm as she is.

From her website: "We are a global community conservation organization that advances the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall. By protecting chimpanzees and inspiring people to conserve the natural world we all share, we improve the lives of people, animals and the environment. Everything is connected—everyone can make a difference."

The book I read as a child! I brought it with me, but there was no opportunity to have it signed.

And a few extra photos!


One of Tolkien's later poems that I really loved. I just read the new edition of Tolkien's collected poems!

The Cryptid Factor: Exciting new merchandise!

Have you read or watched any of Dr Goodall's works?


Hi Deniz ... I have over the years noted Jane Goodall and I'm sure seen some documentaries about her - she's a renowned zoologist ... how wonderful you had one of her early books - but such a pity you couldn't get it signed ... mind you a ninety year old Jane is pretty amazing and I expect protection was on the cards. I love Tolkien's poem ... somewhat reminds me of Lewis Carroll and his 'The Walrus and the Carpenter' poem and perhaps Pooh Bear sometimes ...

Love that photo of you ...and Emily? if she was able to accompany you to the talk ...

Cheers ... fun to read - thank you - cheers Hilary
Deniz Bevan said…
She was! It was fun to attend together. Tolkien wrote translation of The Walrus and the Carpenter! I'll try to remember to take a photo.
Jeff said…
What a treat to see Jane Goodall and to still have a book of hers from your childhood.
Deniz Bevan said…
It was a great day!
Hi Deniz - I happened to hear an article on The Chimpanzee Whisperer ... he had a tough childhood ... slavery ... but ended up working for the Jane Goodall project - and thought you'd be interested in the book, etc ...

The Chimpanzee Whisperer: A Life of Love and Loss, Compassion and Conservation
by Stany Nyandwi, David Blissett - contributor, et al.

It was informative ... cheers Hilary
Deniz Bevan said…
Oh, that's fascinating, thank you!