More Crafts! OFMD Knitting and Swiss Porcelain and More


I have a soft spot for milk jugs. I have quite a few, though it can't really be called a collection. I should put them together for a proper photo!

The other day, I got a new one, when I bought this delightful set of espresso cups from Broccoli Brocante.

Coffee cups made by Suisse Langenthal

More crafts!
A collection of pretty things by my mom


Jeff's Inn by the Sea, in Lego, made by the older kiddo

The moon!

Two scarves knit for a gift exchange!

The cushion was a gift from a friend!

Do you collect porcelain or any other pottery?


Jeff said…
I got wonderful shots of the Wolf Moon two weeks ago. While I used it in my e-news, I didn't post it on my blog... maybe later.
Deniz Bevan said…
Ooh, yes, I saw those! I love moon photos :)
Fundy Blue said…
Thinking of you on IWSG Day and hoping all is well!
Deniz Bevan said…
Thank you, you too! Trying to avoid the media as much as possible -- and knit a new pair of mittens!