IWSG Day and BioParc Geneva!

nsecure Writer's Support Group Day! I

Insecure Writer's Support Group

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!
The awesome co-hosts for the 5 March posting of the IWSG are Ronel Janse Van Vuuren, Pat Garcia, and Liza @ Middle Passages!
March 5 question - If for one day you could be anyone or *thing* in the world, what would it be? Describe, tell why, and any themes, goals, or values they/it inspire in you 

Oh, wow, great question!
I think I'd love to be a tree. Experience that sort of slow growth and contemplation and understanding that spans centuries.
Or a peregrine falcon, to fly!

A few weeks ago, we visited Bioparc Geneva!

Kune kune means round and plump in te reo Māori!


Lots of rescue animals from Australia and New Zealand, and endangered breeds (such as the wee cow from Gabon!).
Also, directly below the flight path of the approach to the airport for landing planes!
Which animals are your favourites to spot in the wild?


Leigh Caron said…
I've asked this question to others and myself...if you/I could be any animal what would it be. Me? I would be a duck. They can fly, swim, and walk on land. I like those options.
Pat Garcia said…
To be a tree, standing tall is an eloquent thing to be!
Very nice pictures.
Shalom shalom
Looks like a fun place for the family. Must be near an airport.
Bird is a popular choice today.
I love zoos and animal parks! We're actually taking the kids to the aquarium this weekend for a sleep over! You get to watch the sharks and turtles swim over your head all night long. :-)
Tree sounds like a great idea. Slow growth, around a long time and, I hope, you’d been a deciduous tree, the sort that’s good for the environment. Hope you never get felled though.
Hi Deniz - great Parc for the kids to enjoy ... and open their eyes to many animals. A tree - sounds like a great thought ... as long as it lasted - an oak tree ... it has over 200 organisms ... lots to interact with over the decades. Cheers Hilary