Here's a London day that inspired this post. If I had my way, I'd be writing about a perfect Istanbul day, or a day somewhere in Scotland and Wales. But Montreal will do in a pinch :-) 9 am Rise with the sunshine coming in the window. Shower. A table has been miraculously laid with almond croissants, eclairs, a steaming pot of coffee and a latte in a bowl, maple syrup, buttered toast and egg and cheese sandwich (all bread and pastries from PremiĆØre Moisson ), and at least four newspapers, the Montreal Gazette , the New York Times and some English ones. Monday or Tuesday (see below) would be nice for this, cos I could have the Saturday Gazette and the Sunday New York Times. 12 pm All those newspapers and magazines and crossword puzzles, not to mention the coffee, would take a while. Noontime is a nice time for a walk, either in the neighbourhood or, better still, up on the mountain (which Oscar Wilde once called a "hill", rousing the ire of Montrealers of the time)....