The Home Stretch

I swear! I've got five scenes left to go:
Two have been written and need typing;
Two are, ahem, bedroom scenes, which need no encouragement for me to write;
Leaving one last scene, one of the more difficult, involving all sorts of fast-paced action at the end of the novel, right before the denouement.
Raise the stakes! Throw rocks! Add tension!
Argh. I just want them to retreat to the bedroom.
Rosa first came in to my head in February 2009. One year later, I finally had the title, Out of the Water. That was last year, the summer when everything changed. Rosa attended the writers' houseparty at Cherry Hill, then hosted one in Constantinople. Romance entered her life and I finished the first draft of the story a few months after that.
I've been editing since then. Some days it feels like it'll never end. Other days I procrastinate by doing research. Still other days I hide behind my To Read pile and pretend I'm not supposed to be writing my own story.
I've got an ROW80 inspirational post up on the official site!
Now if only I'd take my own advice...
Good luck with that last scene. Need some rocks? I've got tons. [g]
(I'm getting too used to chatting with people who use UK spelling conventions -- was actually tempted to write 'tonnes.' Gasp!)
Enjoyed your ROW80 post, too!
Deniz, you're nearly there. I love the links to Cherry Hill and Constantinople. If I allow myself to go to either, I'd not do anything else today, but read.
I hope to have a draft to revise someday. You're an inspiration. : )
I'll begin my third read through today! Gosh, I feel like I'll never stop thinking, "Oh, this could be better if I just change this word, or edit this sentence, or give a little more here...."
Anyway....Congratulations on rounding the third turn and hitting the final stretch. ~ Nadja
Funny, I always have the most trouble writing bedroom scenes. I keep telling myself they're really just another action scene (double entendre not intended).
Good luck the rest of the week! :o)
Yay, almost there! Keep up the momentum!
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Oooh, you read the houseparties? Aren't they the greatest? Do hope you can join in the next one!
Thank you Glynis, JR, Jamila, Nas and Beth!