
Crafts in 2024 Roundup!

rafts and baking! Crafting roundup for 2023 is here, including a scarf I knit with wool from Finland ! I posted my 2022 crafts roundup and cited new goals for 2023: One friend has requested a shawl; I'd like to try something fancy (before next Christmas!). I'd like to try yet another complicated Kate Davies pattern. And finish the blanket/wrap I started last year! I didn't cite goals for 2024 :p For this year, so far I've got a knit-a-long planned, for a pair of mittens! I've had the same goals for ages, to improve at crochet, to try spinning...but I think just making it a habit to knit more regularly will be enough! Winter A new blanket ! And a new hat ! Spring Rosy maple moth pie baking class with Samba Schutte ! Summer Worldwide Knit in Public Day ! Worldwide Knit in Public Day, a new blanket ! I haven't actually finished this one... Gifts and a new scarf ! Autumn Finished scarf, and baking ! More knitting and baking (including...

Annual Travel Roundup for 2024 and Holiday Photos

ravel! Last year's travel roundup, including some of the Finland trip photos, is here . January: More photos from Finland ! February: More photos from Finland ! April: Insect hotel and springtime And springtime photos June: More springtime photos (lambs!) July: Summertime photos And a travel questionnaire update! August: Athens photos! Athens, part 1 ; Athens, part 2 ; Athens, part 3 ; Athens, part 4 September: All the Montreal and Ottawa photos from August ! October: John Howe at the Arcana Festival in Morges And the Titanic exhibit in Lausanne And a trip to the Vivarium in Geneva November: Trip to the UK for the Republic of Pirates convention ! December: Wintertime photos ...and a few more from over the holidays! Lunches and snow and fog...and rising above the fog! Do you have any travel plans for the year?

IWSG Day and Year-End Writing Roundup

nsecure Writer's Support Group Day! Image by  Gerd Altmann  from  Pixabay ...

Tolkien Birthday Toast

he Tolkien Birthday Toast is coming up on Friday! To celebrate Tolkien’s 133rd birthday on 3 January 2025, the Tolkien Society invites all Tolkien fans to raise a toast to the Professor . "The Toast After Bilbo left the Shire on his eleventy-first birthday in The Lord of the Rings, Frodo toasted his uncle’s birthday each year on 22 September. J.R.R. Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein on 3 January 1892, and we invite you to celebrate the birthday of this much loved author by raising a glass at 9pm your local time. The toast is simply: The Professor! All you need to do is stand, raise a glass of your choice of drink (not necessarily alcoholic), and say the words “The Professor” before taking a sip (or swig, if that’s more appropriate for your drink). Sit and enjoy the rest of your drink." I haven't decided on my drink yet, might have a splash of Laphroaig, or a local wine, or some mulled wine, or a nice latte... What's your favourite New Year's d...

Happy New Year!

appy New Year! Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah! Season's Greetings! Peace and love to you all <3

Crafts and Nature Photos and Michael Palin

rafts! and ature! Two secret gift exchange projects, in Our Flag Means Death colours! A house and a park made by the six-year-old! A wee blanket! Secret Christmas gift project -- sewing a smile onto this doggie! It doesn't show up in the photo, but there's snow falling on this tree! Sunrise! Sheep! Moon and village tree Michael Palin! Talking about his latest book, another edition of his diaries This was a Guardian Live event online, a fun interview, and some audience questions His favourite Monty Python sketch is the cheese shop! One of his favourite characters from the films is the Centurion in Life of Brian, the one who was momentarily pleased at not having to make crosses anymore So glad that participating online was an option! Hope you have some delicious feasts planned over the holidays!