Travel Questionnaire Update 3
That is, I'm on vacation!
So I'm updating this travel questionnaire -- the previous post also features a brand new joke! And some Agatha Christie vocabulary.
New comments in square brackets.
What's your favourite place to visit in your own country?
There're a lot of places I haven't seen yet! The Yukon, the extreme north of Quebec, Gaspé, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island! So far I've enjoyed visiting Fredericton, New Brunswick, and all along the St Lawrence Seaway. As for Turkey, I love every place along the Aegean Sea.
[In Switzerland, I haven't been further than Zurich yet! Would love to see Lucerne, and St Gallen, and the Reichenbach Falls, and so much more!]
What about your favourite place abroad?
Wales and Yorkshire. And probably the Scottish Highlands, but I haven't been there yet!
[No change here, though I'd like to see more of Italy, Sweden, Croatia, and Germany]
What's the best thing you've ever eaten abroad?
Besides pide in Turkey?
[Same! Still my favourite!]
Where are you off to next?
Hopefully Plattsburgh for shopping in November, and New York City! And maybe England at Christmas! [We finally come to a question I can update! Just got back from a visit to Schwyz in central Switzerland, and we might be making plans for England at Easter, and Barcelona in July!]
Do you have a bucket list destination?
Do I ever! deepbreath Highlands, Shetlands, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Russia, Trans-Siberian Railway, Yukon, northern Quebec, Gaspé, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, the 35 or so US States I haven't visited yet, the rest of England and Wales, eastern Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Patagonia, and -- maybe I should stop here... [adding a few: Croatia, Ukraine, the west coast walk in Wales, St Gallen, Orkney Islands, Costa Rica...]
What's the worst place you've stayed?
Well, it was my own fault. I wanted to see what my childhood summer place near Izmir was like in the wintertime. But our house was boarded up, so we had to stay at a pansiyon. And they hadn't been expecting guests, so the heat was off. It was cold. It was damp. Brr! On the plus side, we made a fort out of all the blankets and had a huge pile of snacks, and eventually warmed up enough to fall asleep. [Well, I wouldn't necessarily call that the worst. It was only one night, after all. When you have friends to share an adventure with, it's not all bad!]
Nothing else really comes to mind. Rickety cots or having to sleep in a chair aren't insufferable, as long as you're warm!]
Big city hotel, BnB, igloo, tent...?
Bed and breakfast in a big city! Or a renovated farmhouse in the country. [I think I'd rather a 4 or 5-star hotel in a big city :p Or a small boat on the Aegean Sea!]
[The boat is still valid. Maybe an inn by the sea...]
Is there anything you can't travel without?
Camera. And pen and paper, natch! [And a book or 10 to read]
[Same! Also lip balm, a cardigan, and something to tie back my hair with]
What has travel taught you?
Actually, there's a lot more I could learn. I still haven't ever visited a country where I don't speak the language and am entirely out of my element. Now that would be an experience! [I still have yet to do this...] [I'm getting better at not trying to see everything all at once, and to just go with the flow...]
Back home!
What sorts of travelling have you been doing?
What sorts of travelling have you been doing?
Cornwall would be mine
Southern Africa - Botswana probably
Home made Cornish pastie - or Bobotie in South Africa - or Spanakopita in Greece ...
No travel booked so far
No - destinations done and dealt with - unless something turns up
Slept in a train station once - that was awful ... v young days ...
Not posh ... just comfortable digs ... tent in Botswana ...
yes - camera, pen and paper, basic washing things ...
learnt so much about others ways of life ... we need to understand that ...
Cheers and enjoy your 'fishing' ... and happy family days - Hilary xoxo
I'd like to see Botswana too, I feel badly that I only really know it from the Alexander McCall Smith books!