C is for Cuteness!

I try to keep this blog from getting swamped by cats, and usually succeed. (Though if you'd like to snag a Kedi's Paw award, feel free!)
But it's harder to resist on Twitter, since my iPod camera is only two clicks away...
Here's Sam, lead singer of #SamandtheFoodBowls.
That's the name of his band; someday we'll get that hashtag to trend!
My favourite part of Twitter is still the interaction with authors and other notables. I still fan girl squee when I get a reply.
I don't remember what was going on back in January, but I suggested that a puppy might help, and author Sam Sykes obliged:
Later, I was able to help Wil Wheaton's wife when a headache hit:
Then there are other animals, for instance, a goat from Joan of Dark:
And a squirrel:
But it always comes back to cats. Here's photographer Kyle Cassidy. Er, I mean his cat, Roswell:
I love the idea of a goodbye photo!
Cassidy also has a wonderful flickr group devoted to MorningCatface. I've joined, and tweeted a few photos myself, but haven't had a chance to upload on flickr. Here's Roswell again:
As for ROW80, I'm doing my darndest to get Druid's Moon in shape for beta readers.
Meanwhile, here's some more MorningCatface:
Lead singer of Sam and the Food Bowls
Frodo, the genius behind the curtain
Please link to your cute photos!
Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host
Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy
Cheers and those photos are cute! Hilary
I love the cuteness pics! And yeah, I'm a big cat fan. hehe
Well, guess what, Joshua - we might be adopting a dog soon!
Ooh, Trisha, I just squeed vicariously through you :-)