
Showing posts from August, 2013

Guest Review of Amara Royce's Never Too Late, Super Sweet Award, and a Snip for ROW80 and the kcdyer Project August Check Ins!

ot a guest review today! Amara Royce 's Never Too Late is out now! "Expect the unexpected, especially in a room filled with books... Honoria Duchamp is well aware that men often consider widows easy prey for the role of mistress. What else could explain the attentions of handsome Lord Devin, and his visits to her bookshop? The much younger Viscount has even shown interest in the printing press with which she creates pamphlets on Londonā€™s basest injustices. Yet his chief interest appears to be in her... Coerced to investigate Nora's controversial pamphlets, Devin expected to find a bookish matron. Instead, he is taken with Nora's womanly beauty, sharp intellect, and quick wit. Soon, what begins as an unwelcome task becomes a pleasure, and Devin's job becomes more dangerous -- for them both. For Nora has no idea of the vicious element she's crossed. Now Devin will risk his reputation to protect her -- and much more to win her love..." And her...

Summertime! Shakespeare, Farm-fresh Goodies, Train Tracks, and Outdoor Edits

ummertime! Which means  Shakespeare in the Park ! In this case, A Midsummer Night's Dream , which was all the more meaningful to me because I've just read the Sandman version for the first time. Oberon Titania and her handmaiden It's always exciting to see and hear lines you know so well ("if we shadows have offended...") performed live. Summertime also means outdoor editing! This was me finishing up edits on Druid's Moon a few weeks ago: And farm-fresh food! We get ours from Arlington Gardens Meanwhile, at the train station the other day, I noticed something odd: Dominion tracks "Oh Mackie!" I wonder what that means? ROW80 typing going slowly, but well. I love rediscovering characters; I hadn't read a word of this story since finishing it during last year's NaNo. Hope you're having a lovely summer!

Neil Gaiman in Montreal and Interview With Margaret Buffie on the Twentieth Anniversary of Who Is Frances Rain

vents! Event 1: Neil Gaiman's book tour stop in Montreal last Wednesday! Event 2: 20th anniversary of Margaret Buffie's Who Is Frances Rain? ! Neil's event - one of only three in Canada as part of his last North American book tour - was sold out! Luckily, I'd gotten our tickets the day they went on sale  from Librairie Drawn and Quarterly . There were no assigned seats, so the line outside the Rialto Theatre started early, snaking around the corner and down the next block. Luckily, my friends and I ended up directly outside the door of Cafe Matina, and had a drink while we waited. I wondered if Neil had tried the sushi from the restaurant across the street. The cafe owner came to the door and looked out in bewilderment at the line. He asked us what we were waiting for, and said he'd never seen a line like that for any previous event at the theatre! The theatre itself was lovely, as was the surrounding neighbourhood, full of gorgeous architect...

Many Book Reviews, ISWG - Award for You All!, ROW80, Montreal, and Tolkien's Eagles

ini reviews! This past weekend, I had a reading weekend, which invariably spilled over into the last couple of days: I also had two books in other formats - Brenda Novak's When We Touch novella as a printed pdf, and the NetGalley ARC of Cynthia Voigt's Mister Max: The Book of Lost Things . Without further ado, reviews!: A few months ago I started working my way through all E. L. Konigsburg books I hadn't read yet. I think I only have two or three left to go! As is the case with all her books, this one tackled a difficult theme and didn't sugar coat its language. I wonder what would happen if any other author tried to write a story with such straightforward dialogue and uneasy resolutions today. In a nutshell, the story is about a young girl who goes to live with her aunt in Florida for the summer and becomes embroiled in a town battle over free speech, freedom of expression (basically, whether anyone can choose to wear a t-back/thong bathing suit i...