
Showing posts from February, 2014

Dragon's Loyalty Award, Seven Interesting Things, ROW80 Check In

. . has given us an award! A-to-Z Challenge Co-Host M.J. Joachim has awarded all A to Z Challenge Minions, Assistants, and Helpers with the Dragon's Loyalty Award ! Guidelines: 1. Display the award and thank the person that nominated you. Thank you, M. J.! 2. Present this award to 15 other bloggers, making sure to link to their blogs, and visit them to let them know you're sharing the award with them. I'm going to fudge this a bit and link to my last week's post below, where I featured all sorts of intriguing bloggers to visit - each one of them gets this award! And so do all the commenters! And Nicole !, who was kind enough to let her minions know about the award. 3. Write seven interesting things about yourself in your blog post when you accept the award. The last time I shared seven random facts , I noted that: "I can knit but I haven't made socks yet. Even Jamie and Ian [from Outlander ] can make socks!" Not only have I knit soc...

ROW80 Check in, Badges, and Links to Some Great Blogs!

ink happy! I was catching up on a lot of blog comments this past week (and still have a few more blogs to visit!) so I thought I'd share with you a few of the interesting, intriguing, exciting blogs I've been dropping by: Carol's got two great craft-related posts, one on Writing Sequences of Events , and the other on Ordering Your Words In other craft posts, Jo Bourne had a great one recently on setting and the city a story is based in Forgotten Bookmarks features just that - the cards, leaves, recipes, photographs, notes, poems, etc. that people have left behind in books over the years. Plus she has a giveaway of a vintage books collection every Friday! Nathan Bransford asks whether you'd like to be a full time writer or keep your day job. Sara and Lara and ZanMarie shared some lovely photos of the southern snowstorms! Margo's got a great list of Reasons Why I Love Being a Book Reader/Blogger - I agree with them all! Ayak at Ayak's Turkis...

The Latest in the Real Mermaids Series - Giveaway! and Character Faces for ROW80

ermaids ! But first, we have two winners of Tara's giveaway of Hands-on Therapy : Ella and Brigitte! Congratulations! Please email me your Amazon Kindle contact info. And now, mermaids ! Teenage girls have to deal with a lot of tough firsts. First zit. First crush. First... mermaid's tail? In the fourth installment of HĆ©lĆØne Boudreau's breezy, fun and "unputdownable" Real Mermaids series, our favorite mer-girl Jade can't think of a better way to celebrate peace in the underwater mer-world than with a tropical vacation in the Bahamas with her family and BFF. Soon, Jade is enjoying the tropical sunshine, all-you-can-eat buffet, and island day trips. But when Jade gets lost in the island's famous waterfront Straw Market, something doesn't feel quite right. A body splashes into the water as a cruise ship enters the harbour and a teen boy selling conches from his boat behind the market knows more than he's willing to admit. With no bod...

Tara's Visiting Today! Also ROW80, Blog Blitz, ISWG, Ninja Captain Alex's Giveaway, and Mini Book Reviews

ot a visitor today! Happy to have Tara here, talking about her new book and other writing related chat: Thank you so much for having me, Deniz, but also for all of your support over the last handful of years. It means an awful lot. Hands-On Therapy After yet another failed attempt at meeting a worthwhile man, in-charge businesswoman Marie Reid drunk dials a so-called sex therapist. Not one to back down from a challenge, she keeps the meeting even after sobering up and vaguely recalling some reference to spanking. When the guy shows up with endless blue eyes, sexy bare feet, and a commanding demeanor that literally wets her appetite, Marieā€™s reluctance vanishes in a wave of lust. But submitting to just a few deliciously sinful nights of hands-on therapy has her already falling for her very hands-off counselor. What's your earliest memory related to writing? The year the space shuttle Challenger exploded my 6th grade English teacher assigned the class to write a poe...