
Showing posts from September, 2014

New Blogs!, Ongoing Blog Blitz, and ROW80 Round Three Final Check In

t's the end of another round of A Round of Words in 80 Days ! If I sound excited, it's because I've actually been consistent this round; typed a few hundred words each day, and even did some formatting on the Alfred Russel Wallace letters I've been transcribing. I just need to double check all the words I wasn't able to decipher at first glance and then I can send off this batch. Caught up on a teensy bit of blog visiting too, especially voting on the WRiTE Club final. And here are two interesting (brand new!) blogs: The Nature of my Memories : lovely flowers and nostalgia Desserts and Drawings : one drawing and one yummy recipe per week Plus the Blog Blitz, hosted by DL Hammons, is still going strong! "...what would it be like if the support, encouraging nature, and community spirit of the blogosphere were ever focused on a single blogger? ... Sign up on the [ linky list ], making sure to record your email address, and youā€™ll instantly become a ...

Writer's Exercises, ROW80, and Deadly Contact by Lara Lacombe

uick post today as I'm hoping to start catching up on comments. Thanks to everyone who's come by lately! The current round of A Round of Words in 80 Days is nearly over. I've done steady work on my typing; over 5000 words of Larksong already typed up. I can see where a lot of editing will be required, though (sigh). Hoping to use a scene from that story during the second part of the September writer's exercise on the Forum. Here's what we did for part one: "Weā€™re going to use some figurative language. First select the subject. 1. A celestial object: sun, moon, stars, comet, rocket, etc. 2. A geographical feature: mountains, meadows, canyons, dunes, desert, etc. 3. A body of water: ocean, lake, river, waterfall, puddle, etc. 4. Growing things: trees, forest, garden, weeds, cactus, etc. 5. An animal: Oh boy. Pick one 6. A gem: Again, pick one. Now comes the fun part. Begin by brainstorming. What does your chosen word remind you of? Letā€™s say y...

Big C Bloghop, Thanksgiving in Geneva, ROW80, and a Song

appy thanksgiving! No, it's not a joke. Yesterday was the JeĆ»ne genevois holiday here in Geneva, the fasting day which is a holiday in all of Switzerland but falls on a different day in Geneva. The tradition began back in the 16th Century, apparently, as a way to show solidarity with the suffering of the Huguenots in France. Wikipedia doesn't say why, and I haven't delved further, but it appears to be a somewhat recent tradition to have plum pie on this day. Sounds yummy to me! It's interesting to think of all the titbits and trivia I've learned since we first moved here. I wrote a brief article on them all for the Turkish newspaper Bizim Anadolu . I'm posting early for the Big C Bloghop , hosted by the wonderful Michael di Gesu . The goal of this bloghop is to compile an anthology to help towards Melissa's treatment. " For this anthology post on Sept 15 a story about cancer. We are trying for comical, uplifting, inspirational... Let's ...

Insecure Writer's Support Group, New Brenda Novak, and a Snip

an't believe it's September already! Where does the time go? It's Insecure Writer's Support Group day today! We make all these schedules at the start of the year and then...well, real life does happen. But that's one reason the R ound of Words in Eighty Days goal setting is so flexible. As founder Kait Nolan says, it's the writing challenge that knows you have a life! Another aspect of real life is that sometimes your muse can fade. At that point the goals you've set can either hold you to task or make you feel doibly guilty that you can't achieve them without any inspiration. One thing I might try, since real life is keeping me from editing (and a few of my other goals), is to not feel so guilty if I start drafting another story! I've got two or three ideas I'd like to explore but I've been putting it off, thinking I shouldn't be drafting new stories while so many others need editing. But that's very self-limiting, isn...