Edinburgh Castle, A to Z Challenge Sign Up, and IWSG Day

Have you signed up?
I did, and made a rookie error, listing myself as BO. I thought the codes applied to our themes, but apparently they apply to our blogs in general. Which is difficult, as I'm more than just BO. I'm also HM, PO, PR, TR, and WR. Her Majesty's Personal Poet, Traveller, Writer, and Reader. But my A to Z theme will be BO. Yes, the reason I keep repeating it is that I hear snippets of the Seinfeld episode about the smelly car every time I say/write BO. Body odour!
Giggling aside, my theme will be about books (what else?) and... well, the details will have to wait for reveal day.
The A to Z Challenge list is open now, go sign up! Nearly 200 people have joined since I added my name, and there were 300 people before me. So exciting! Such a simple-seeming idea, and it keeps getting bigger.
As Alex said: "The brainchild of Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out, the A to Z Challenge is posting every day in April except Sundays (we get those off for good behaviour). And since there are 26 days, that matches the 26 letters of the alphabet. On April 1, blog about something that begins with the letter "A". April 2 is "B", April 4 is "C", and so on. You can use a theme for the month or go random -- just as long as it matches the letter of the alphabet for the day.
The A to Z Challenge is a great way to get into the blogging habit and make new friends. For more details and its history, go HERE."
This all sort of links to Insecure Writer's Support Group Day, I think. One, blog writing certainly counts as writing! Two, reading and travelling are all about filling the writer's well. I've been making some great headway on my read-the-books-I-own-before-buying-more goal for ROW80. Except for one hiccough -- I added Julian Barnes' newest to my wishlist, then saw it at the bookstore the next day, and bought it. Sometimes I do this, then set the books aside and they pile up. Reading is such a funny thing, always dependent on moods and whims. The mood was right, this time, and I started reading The Noise of Time that day. I've nearly finished! I'd recommend it to anyone interested in history, music, Russia, Shostakovich, Art for Art's sake, Art as a circle, Art vs Power and/or small stories that are great in their smallness.
As for travel, a couple of months ago we were in Edinburgh! I've got photos for other posts of the city and some side trips that we took; for today, some photos of a rainy day at Edinburgh Castle:
General Haig
View from a distance the day after
The Whisky Experience
What kinds of books are you in the mood for?
Neat pictures!
As for books I'm reading, End Game and Book III in the Outlander Series.
Do you want to change your Challenge code? Email me.
Can't participate in A to Z this year, sadly. Sooo much happening in our house in the next months.
Funny how people always fall into many categories.
Great Pics. I love traveling just as a tourist :)
Juneta Writer's Gambit
Wonderful to see Edinburgh as foul and wet as it is here!! I haven't been round for decades and really should go back - I gather the museum is a good one .. cheers Hilary
We're in the 300s together for A to Z. :-D
I am all signed up for the A2Z! I am also trying to read the books I already own, but keep finding new ones to add. Writing is taking up most of my time at the moment though. Those are some gorgeous pictures!
Good luck with your reading goals! ~Lori~
I'll think about it, Alex. Books do feature heavily on the blog and I'm not writing as much as I should be this wonter, so perhaps it's accurate for now!
I've only spent a few hours in Edinburgh, but it blew me away. Thanks for the pics.
The A to Z sign ups have reached 726 participants. This will be my 6th challenge.