
Showing posts from December, 2016

Tolkien in Staffordshire and Birthday Toast

oast for Tolkien's birthday! On 3 January, it's time for the annual toast to The Professor . "All you need to do is stand, raise a glass of your choice of drink (not necessarily alcoholic), and say the words ā€œThe Professorā€ before taking a sip (or swig, if thatā€™s more appropriate for your drink). Sit and enjoy the rest of your drink." "To celebrate Tolkienā€™s twelfthty-fifth (125th) birthday on 3 January 2017, the Tolkien Society invites all Tolkien fans to raise a toast to the Professor. Let everyone know what youā€™ll be drinking and where in the comments below , and share your pictures on social media using #TolkienBirthdayToast." I'll be having a sip of Talisker, and maybe some Swiss Highland Whisky! Back in November, I had a chance to visit the J. R. R. Tolkien in Staffordshire exhibition at its stop in Stafford: "Description: The exhibition focuses on the time Tolkien spent in Staffordshire during the First World War. Visitors w...

Annual Books Read Statistics, 2016!

ere it is: The Annual Books Read Statistics and Thoughts post. Here are the statistics for  2014 ,  2013 ,  2012 ,  2011  (and the  list ),  2010 ,  2009  (and the  list ). Books Read : 268 , including the following (roughly): 118 novels 45 board books (which involve ongoing rereads, including the board books from last year) 30 essays and non-fiction and comics 28 short stories 25 poems 15 YA/MG books 4 anthologies 1 play over 30 books in the Folio Society collected works of Beatrix Potter (counted as one in total count) Journal of Inklings Studies and Tolkien Societyā€™s Amon Hen and Mallorn issues (also counted as one) 2015: 91 novels and MG/YA and essays, etc., 29 board books, and 12 poems 2014 : 111 novels and short stories (plus essay collections, comics, and poetry) 2013 : 188 novels and short stories (plus poetry) 2012 : 142 2011 : 124 2010 : 92 2009 : 131 2008 : 101 Note : Not counted: Beta reads, and ...