Books Wishlist and ROW80
ooks! I've got a wishlist as long as both arms, but realistically, not only should I read the books I already own, but I also can't afford to get a huge pile of new books. Still, there's always an excuse to get at least a few new ones (not even counting upcoming releases by Louise Penny and J. K. Rowling/R. Galbraith and others!). Here are the ones that have recently moved up to the top of the list: The Lewis Trilogy by Peter May For research, she says. Because they're set on the isle of Lewis, where one of my characters comes from... Harry Potter and the Philisopher's Stone in Scots ! The Girl in the Road by Monica Byrne "In a world where global power has shifted east and revolution is brewing, two women embark on vastly different journeysāeach harrowing and urgent and wholly unexpected. When Meena finds snakebites on her chest, her worst fears are realized: someone is after her and she must flee India. As she plots her exit, ...