
Showing posts from February, 2018

Books Wishlist and ROW80

ooks! I've got a wishlist as long as both arms, but realistically, not only should I read the books I already own, but I also can't afford to get a huge pile of new books. Still, there's always an excuse to get at least a few new ones (not even counting upcoming releases by Louise Penny and J. K. Rowling/R. Galbraith and others!). Here are the ones that have recently moved up to the top of the list: The Lewis Trilogy by Peter May For research, she says. Because they're set on the isle of Lewis, where one of my characters comes from... Harry Potter and the Philisopher's Stone in Scots ! The Girl in the Road by Monica Byrne "In a world where global power has shifted east and revolution is brewing, two women embark on vastly different journeysā€”each harrowing and urgent and wholly unexpected. When Meena finds snakebites on her chest, her worst fears are realized: someone is after her and she must flee India. As she plots her exit, ...

Winter in Switzerland Photos, and ROW80

intertime! "I'm a writer... Anything you say or do may end up in my novel"   Alps from the train!   Decorations at the nearby stables Peekaboo! More Alps from the train! And a brief ROW80 update! Both craft projects still on the go. I'm learning to chain stitch for the first time! Ihaven't done any editing yet, too focused on school, but did manage to get in the February writer's exercise on the new version of the old Compuserve forum. The goal was to reveal setting through character, rather than getting bogged down in description. Oddly enough, my setting featured winter in Switzerland... Without giving away much background, this is from Christianne's point of view. The city is Geneva, and that Christianne is dealing not only with illness but with addiction recovery. After Rory left for his shop, Christianne didnā€™t spend any more time at the appartement, but headed out into the streets. ...

ROW80 and Story Snip from Captive of the Sea

nip day! In honour of today being KissPitch, on Twitter, hosted by All The Kissing . On the other hand, the snip I'm about to share isn't from the story I'll be pitching. Instead, this is a sort of fairy tale synopsis of Santiago and Magdalena's story, Captive of the Sea . It is a love story, though! I reread it recently for the first time in a couple of years, and it wasn't so bad. Of course the final action scenes and the ending, as always happens with me, need a lot of work. But it's next on the editing list, after The Handful of Time and the World War Two story (which really needs a proper title. I can't keep calling it Mystery at Bertram's Hotel, as if it was an Agatha Christie retelling). Of all of my ROW80 goals, though, the crafts are currently at the forefront, as there's a deadline for them! And school, of course. I'm hoping to get back into editing more intensely in April. And I'm trying to decide whether I can manage the ...

IWSG Day and Lara Lacombe's Latest!

oday is Insecure Writer's Support Group Day! Really exciting question for this month: What do you love about the genre you write in most often? What's not to love? I love writing romance for many reasons, but mostly because I get to explore that spark between two characters who meet and fall in love. Not only do they get to start learning about each other, but they also resolve some of their own issues in the process -- and there's always a happily ever after! Speaking of romance, I've just read the latest by Lara Lacombe , Colton K-9 Bodyguard , part of the Coltons of Red Ridge series (with each book written by a different author, and a mystery that carries on throughout the series). "This protector broke her heart and is back to save her K-9 officer Micah Shaw never thought tracking a serial killer would lead him to discover the woman he once loved near death. Vulnerable and under siege, Bea Colton needs him now more than ever. Their relationsh...