
Showing posts from April, 2020

Jean Little RiP and Knitting

nitting! I've been doing a lot of this... Mini-projects, so I get the satisfaction of seeing something completed! A hackey sack I made for use in a homeschooling assignment! Hat 1... All the scrap wool left in the house... Lots of baking going on, too... A new-to-me pattern! Also trying to advance my crochet skills a little... My first-ever square! Hat 3 Hat 4 All six hats! Hat 7. On I go... The incomparable Jean Little has passed away. This was the moment I found out Guelph Today obituary I've blogged about Jean Little and her books often in passing. She and her stories have meant so much to me over the years. Currently, I'm very excited to be reading the Ramona Quimby and Mary Poppins books with my daughter (my nth rereads and her first time!). I really can't wait till she's old enough to read Jean Little, though. A to Z Challenge 2012 Favourit...

Knitting in the Wild

nitting in the wild! I haven't had one of these Knitting in the Wild posts in quite a long time. This one is a continuation of our trip to the Canada and impressionism exhibit in Lausanne . Knitting by H Mabel May My little shadow Have you seen any crafts in the wild recently?

Travel Post 6: Canada

anada! In Lausanne! We went to see the Canada and Impressionism: New Horizons exhibit at the Fondation de lā€™Hermitage in Lausanne (luckily before it closed temporarily due to the lockdown ). Here are some of my favourites: Thaw, Arthabaska by Marc-Aurele de Foy Suzor-Cote La rue de LagauchetiĆØre by J-C FranchĆØre Gitwangak by Emily Carr Snow II by Lawren Harris Winter Afternoon, City Street, Toronto OR Sunday Morning by Lawren Harris Opulent October by Tom Thomson Moonlight, Corner Store, Toronto Saint Patrick's Church, Montreal by Robert Pilot A Load of Fence Posts by Lawren Harris Autumn in France by Emily Carr Originals are on my instagram post. Right now there are lots of museums you cam visit virtually. Do you have a favourite recent exhibit?

Travel Post 5 and Hodge Podge No. 8: Thun, Library, and Kuşadası

've had this batch of photos saved for ages, and by now I don't remember why I thought they would go well together. So this is a hodge podge post of travel photos! Thun Autumn leaves! English Library in Geneva book sale! This was last spring, and I can't remember if I shared these. Not sure the sale will take place this year... Good haul! Train station sunset, Geneva This is a photo from Yvoire, across Lake Geneva from us.  he angle and the light reminded me of being at my grandmother's in Kuşadası : The boardwalk ...and back to Thun. The full set of photos is here . What is one of your favourite recent trips?

Jemi Fraser Blog Tour! plus IWSG, ROW80, and Research

emi Fraser is here today! Today is also Insecure Writer's Support Group Day! The awesome co-hosts for the April 1 posting of the IWSG are Diane Burton, JH Moncrieff, Anna @ Emaginette, Karen @ Reprobate Typewriter, Erika Beebe, and Lisa Buie-Collard! April 1 question: The IWSGā€™s focus is on our writers. Each month, from all over the globe, we are a united group sharing our insecurities, our troubles, and our pain. So, in this time when our world is in crisis with the Covid-19 pandemic, our optional question this month is: how are things in your world? Things are good. I've been sharing thoughts with friends and family through various social media; I should really collate some of those in one place, for the longer record. The days are packed with schooling for the kids, telecommuting for work, my own courses (I've submitted my final assignment!), and our ongoing other stuff -- writing novels and short stories (news on this front coming soon!), knitting, rec...