
Showing posts from November, 2021

Two New Books by Leah Mercer and Kait Nolan, NaNoWriMo, and Some Interesting Links

ook! New books! Until We Meet Again by Kait Nolan "Freshly sprung from the Marines, Griffin Powell is looking for some fun. Las Vegas offers the perfect playground to blow off some steam before getting to the serious work of deciding what to do with his life. He never expects that fun to include the high school crush who tutored him years ago. Samantha Ferguson arrives in Vegas for a friend's wedding only to get dumped by text. Desperate not to be the only single in a sea of couples, she makes an impulsive offer to the former bad boy she used to tutor in high school: Be her fake boyfriend for the weekend. Griff knows he's not the guy for Sam, but he can't resist saying yes for the chance to get to know this grown-up version of the girl who once starred in all his dreams. Turns out, there's not a lot of faking it involved. Between the single bed and the endless couples activities, new feelings flare from the old, until they both fall under the spell of Si...

NaNo, Crafts, and A New Book by Rose Phillips

oodies! It's all NaNoWriMo all the time here (more details about my work in progress coming soon!), so here's a bunch of photos of the latest batch of baking and knitting from the past few months! We sponsored a goat and got some cheese! My phone isn't good at moon photos... Making spinach bƶrek ! Yum! Visiting a different spot on the Rhone river Birthday cake! Other birthday goodies A Barbados coconut cake, in honour of the big conference at work, hosted by Barbados Trying a new wine at a restaurant by the Rhone Interesting poster of the list of members of a neighbourhood "circle" -- basically an excuse for a social club to get together! I had the duck! My friends had the fish Dessert! Another birthday cake! Baklava! (At a different restaurant) Starting a new knitting project! Love having pregnant friends, as an excuse to knit pretty baby things!   I also recently read the latest book by Rose Phillips ! I've blogged about he...

Celebrating With Summertime Photos!

et's celebrate! This is blog post 1300 on this blog! I started posting in August 2007 . There have been A LOT of changes in the last 14 years, and so much good stuff happening! Usually with these sorts of milestones I do a recap of all my posts by theme, to collate and organize everything, or I hold a contest. This time, instead, I'm sharing another batch of photos taken by my daughter! These are from summer 2021: A recreation of the pod we stayed in last spring! A vulture at the Garenne Zoo La Brevine A goat! In the antique shop... More goats! Val de Travers Some photos from the Swiss National Museum at Prangins A train! Please share links to some of your recent photos!