Book Blog Tour Wrapping Up and Barcelona Photos 2/4

Druid's Moon by Deniz Bevan
Beauty to his Beast...
Lyne Vanlith, an archaeologist who seeks a logical explanation to any mystery, discovers an ancient Druidic curse on her first dig. When the signs foretold by the curse descend on her, Lyne can’t find a reasonable interpretation.
And that’s even before a Beast rescues her from a monstrous sea-creature. She drops a grateful kiss on the snout of the Beast, who transforms into a man, Frederick Cunnick, Baron of Lansladron. Lyne is meant to be Beauty to his Beast—and break the curse forever.
Now both spellkeeper and monster are targeting Lyne. She must take up her legendary role, to defeat the curse and save Frederick—and herself. Instead of logic, for the first time, Lyne must trust her heart.
Release date: 20 September
Blog tour!
My guest post at Vicarious Living Book Reviews
Visiting Elizabeth Seckman
Interview at From the Book Reviewers Desk
Another interview at J Lenni Dorner and Operation Awesome Debut Author Spotlight
Visiting Shannon Lawrence
Review at Armed with A Book
Review at Coffee and Wander Book Reviews
Visiting Jemi Fraser
Guest post at Alex Cavanaugh
Visiting Archaeolibrarian
Visiting Christine Rains
Visiting Reading Nook
Visiting Sandra Cox
Visiting Diane Burton
Visiting Susan Gourley
Interview at C Lee McKenzie
Visiting Shalinis Books and Reviews
Visiting Reading Throughout the World
There are quite a few of them, as this post features both the Sagrada Familia and the Cathedral, plus some of the food and drink!
A lobster!
The Olympic port
Ice cream!
The city at night... sights in the morning
Apparently there are only two years of construction left!
I don't know the name of this plant but I like it a lot; my grandmother had quite a few bushes of it at our summer place
The Columbus statue from various angles!
Big ol' ad on the face of the cathedral...
Roman walls!
Arts and crafts time!
Feeding the pigeons peanuts
A Turkish restaurant!
Potato tortilla, yum!
Chopin's house
A Swiss licence plate!
The flag of Catalonia
I already forgot the name of the tree in the background. They were quite neat, with their rounded trunks
United Kingdom flag!
Lovely apartments
A big chair
Gutenberg avenue
Cemeteries on the side of Montjuic
What was the last exotic food you tried?