
Showing posts from June, 2023

Art for My Story! Plus ROW80 and a Blue Rodeo Anniversary

ound three of A Round of Words in 80 Days ! My start-of-Round-2 goals were: 1. Larksong : I need to finish entering all the edits on paper and finish research 2. A Stitch in Time : I need to edit this thing because... 3. A Stitch in Time outtake: I need to finish drafting this, so I can possibly issue both stories together! [one scene edited and posted!] 4. The Flight of Time : It's ready to go! I just need to finish the synopsis! Instead of working on those, I wrote a handful of new stories! Links are available on my ko-fi page (yes, I'm set up to receive donations, but any and all amounts received will go back to supporting other creators!). I know we're all getting tired of seeing the same story titles in this list! For the next round then, I'm going to consolidate a bit. My goals are... 1. Larksong and A Stitch in Time : finish edits 2. The Flight of Time synopsis: enter beta changes 3. post a bunch of stories: A Stitch in Time outtake chapter 2...

ROW80 and New Kait Nolan!

new Kait Nolan! PLAYBOY IN A KILT KILTED HEARTS: BOOK 3 Out now! A notorious former playboy As heir to Ardinmuir, Connor MacKean had one job: fulfill the marriage pact that's held his family captive for three-hundred years. Except his sister's the one who took the plunge, and now there's nothing standing in the way of him finding a real and lasting love. Nothing except the fact that the object of his affections has never seen him as anything more than her best friend's little brother. A hard-working Cinderella who doesn't need a prince The last thing Sophie Cameron has time for is a man. Her days are full keeping her flower shop afloat, expanding the event planning business she opened with her best friend, and keeping the promise she made to her late father to take care of her stepmother--even though Lorraine is more like a stepmonster. A fake engagement that's more real than either of them bargained for The little white lie Connor told a former fling to esca...

Getting To Know You Blogfest and the Joys of Plotting (There, I Said It)

etting to know you! Lavender! I took part in this blogfest hosted by author J. L. Campbell over a decade ago! Here's the original post . Let's see how my answers have changed... 1. Name two historical romance authors who inspire you. Joanna Bourne , same as last time... ...and because registration is coming up soon for the Surrey International Writers' Conference , I'm going to say Susanna Kearsley ! I love attending her classes! 2. How did you start writing in your genre? My answers from last time are still valid: Short answer - I don't know. Long answer - One day in high school I stopped writing middle grade stories and started writing a romance between two real life musicians. I knew they were meant to be together, even if they couldn't see it. Some years later, after two finished novels and a few aborted story ideas, I went back to MG. But everything moved slowly. Ideas were halting, editing was plodding along at a snail's pace. A...

IWSG Day! ROW80 and Food Photos

ow is it June already? Don't answer that, I don't want to know! It's Insecure Writer's Support Group Day ! Insecure Writer's Support Group A database resource site and support group for writers and authors. Featuring weekly guests and tips, a monthly blogfest gathering, a Facebook group, a book club, and thousands of links ā€“ all to benefit writers! #IWSG Website / Facebook Group / Twitter  / Book Club Reedsy Discount /  Past Issues Fast Five Free Gift - Mobi / Epub / Pdf Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been...