
Showing posts from October, 2008

Cats of Istanbul, Part 1

Over at Snail's Tales , featuring yours truly :-)

Mission Accountability

So far so squat! Really! My goals for the week on Mission Accountability were to finish my travel essay for Bizim Anadolu and write some scenes. What I've actually done: Wrote the first paragraph of the essay twice! Applied for a new post at work and taken an exam for it where I cranked out a 300 word essay in 20 minutes. Good grief. I think I'll start using an egg timer for my own writing... Sorted through my 2000 vacation photos (darn these digital cameras!) to find scrapbook-worthy ones to print - I still have 1000 and my goal is 200! But seriously. Today at lunch I must finish a draft of the essay. That leaves Thursday/Friday lunch hours to write for the novel - with the egg timer! - and nighttime for sorting photos. I haven't been in Austin's world for almost three weeks, though I think of him every day. I can't wait to dive back in and see how he's doing!

Sunshine Peeking Through the Clouds Over the Bosphorus


A Nasreddin Hoca Tale

A short tale featuring Nasreddin Hoca , as coloured by me, age 10: Translation: One day, Hoca ran into a gossipy neighbour, who remarked, "There's a tray of baklava going by." Hoca snapped, "what do I care?" (or "what's it to me?") "But I think it's going to your house." "Well then, what do you care?" (or "what's it to you?")

The Adventures of Snail's Tales

Snail mishaps:

Hat Photo For Stephanie

I mentioned my latest knitting project to Stephanie and then promised I'd post a photo of it, so here goes: Hat Still on Needles: Finished Hat!:

What Did You Not Get Done This Weekend?

The weekend is not over yet! But I've spent all morning on coffee, the paper, tidying up, playing with Frodo and Sam, and watching classic Simpsons episodes. Kristin van Ogtrop, Managing Editor of Real Simple (best magazine ever!), on her Adventures in Chaos blog, ponders the very same issue... I had a list as long as my left arm and leg of what I wanted to accomplish this weekend, but when it comes down to it, nothing really seems to grab my interest. I do have some beta-reading to do, and will try to write at least one scene - those are the important items. As for the rest... I've got a cocktail party tonight! And I'll post a few more photos from Turkey, and of the hat I knitted while on vacation/not writing.

Where Ä° Am and Why Ä°'m Not Writing

Ä° Am Here: But Ä°'m hoping that Jen's Accountability Circle will soon have me back on track...

Two Photos from Turkey

Maiden's Tower :

Changes Abound...

Despite being on vacation (!) I've been plugging away at writing the missing scenes, and hope to have a snip or two (teasers!) up soon; as well as updates on our visit to NYC and my trip to Turkey. Just gotta finishing packing...