Knitting and Music
ross-posting to the neglected knitting blog today! With all the excitement on the writing front, and busy real life, knitting has slid onto the back burner. I see intriguing patterns, and have family and friends with new babies, but can't seem to get a project started that's larger than one square to donate to a group project: Starting out... Oh no, I made a mistake and have to tink (unknit)... Whew! Managed to finish a square! Now for the inspection... I'm also still compiling knitting-in-public images and references, as I see them. One of the more recent was a portrait of a knitter in Maison Tavel, the oldest house in Geneva: Also came across a website listing 46 Interesting Facts About Knitting , including about its origins and history: "In the 1350s, 'knitting Madonnas' began to appear in Europe, depicting the Virgin Mary knitting. These include Our Lady Knitting (c. 1325ā1375) and Visit of the Angel (1400ā1410). The...