SIWC and Crafts and End of NaNoWriMo

I'll share snips of the new story as soon as I can!

10 years ago, feeling badly that I could not attend the Surrey International Writers' Conference in person, I created Virtual Surrey!
Unfortunately, with the demise of Compuserve (and our shift to, none of the sessions are easily accessible.
This was the original schedule, and the final, detailed Virtual Surrey schedule looked like this:
Friday, 19 October 2012
8 to 9.30 am – Roll Call on the Compuserve Forum
9:30 am to 5 pm – Writers' Workshops. Today's topics are:
9.30 am – Who's Attending SIWC (the real one, in Surrey, British Columbia)? Writing examples and discussion, showcasing the authors who are presenting at this year's SIWC, including Diana Gabaldon, Linda Gerber, Chris (CC) Humphreys, Donald Maass, Jack Whyte, Sam Sykes, and kc dyer
11.30 am – Author-led Workshop, featuring Kait Nolan
1.30 pm – Adventures in POV, featuring samples from Christopher Brookmyre, Diana Gabaldon, and J.K. Rowling
3.30 pm – The Doctor Is In: Troubleshooting Problems
Night Owl Session: Virtual Surrey is, of necessity, an all-night-owl event, as participants are joining from many different time zones.
Saturday, 20 October
9 am to 5 pm – Writers' Workshops. Today's topics are:
9 am – Author-led Workshop, featuring Talli Roland
11 am – Grammar Time
1 pm – Technical Topics with Joanna Bourne
3 pm – Blue Pencil: Share Your Blurbs for Critiques
5:30 pm – Book Fair and Giveaway!
9 pm – Movie night! Discuss your favourite adapted novels and screenplays.
Sunday, 21 October
8:30 am – Trade show: Free-for-all Marketing. Talk up your book!
9 am to 12 pm – Writers' Workshops. Today's topics are:
9 am – Genre and Voice
10.30 am – National Novel Writing Month Survival Tips and Hints
12 pm – farewell; there'll be a wrap up session in the next day or two to discuss what worked and what didn't, and to hear stories from those who participated in the real Surrey.
The pandemic led the real SIWC to be hosted online for two years, and this year's edition was a hybrid conference. I am grateful to have been able to participate! I always gain so much inspiration and motivation from the workshops and keynotes -- and writing friends!
While looking for my Virtual Surrey posts, I found this review reaction I wrote for The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling. Wow, I used to be so erudite in my book reviews!
And now, crafts!
Cupcakes in parchment paper because I ran out of muffin cups...
Candle making!
A whole lotta postcards! Thank you, Hilary!
Designing my characters' house in Lego... NaNo procrastination, anyone?
Miss E's house
Postcards from Robin, to remind us of our characters, who are in love
Birthday cake!
Birthday treats
Birthday cake #2!
Hallowe'en bats! (the kits were also a gift from Robin!)
Design by Emily's Playroom on Etsy
My dad always told us he'd designed the second of these three paper airplanes
Apparently it's actually called the Nakamura Lock! I wonder who taught it to him?
Christmas is coming!
A phone :p
A game!
Master D's house
My grandmother's biscuit recipe! (In Turkish)
My half-translation
I can't believe I don't have a photo of my own biscuits! Here's how they look:
Here's the full translation and recipe:
My grandmother's biscuits
3 eggs
150g sugar
1 egg white (save egg yolk for brushing)
150g butter
800g flour
10g baking powder
Preheat oven to 180/350
Mix all ingredients by hand in order given, until dough is earlobe soft
Cover and let rest for 30 minutes
Shape by rolling between palms of hands (about 1 tbsp per biscuit)
Brush top with egg yolk
Bake for 30–35 minutes, until golden brown
fincan=Turkish coffee cup
and enjoy the lead up to Christmas with the kids - cheers Hilary
I'm slowly getting better at organizing all my story notes in one place!