Guest Post and Giveaway by Mark Koopmans to Celebrate Revival -- The Donald Braswell Story
ello, Mark! Mark Koopmans is on a blog tour to celebrate the release of Revival -- The Donald Braswell Story . Scroll down for his guest post, and further down for the giveaway! REVIVAL - The Donald Braswell Story How a Tenor Lost his Voice, but Found his Calling by Donald Braswell with Mark Koopmans From Juilliard to jumper cables; from wasting all the talent in the world to America's Got Talent, this is the story of the Texas opera singer who lost his voice -- but found his calling. Pen-L Publishing Also available on Amazon Five years removed from his 1990 Juilliard graduation, Donald Braswell is set to be "the next Pavarotti." Braswell's successful career ends, however, not with a standing ovation at Carnegie Hall, but alone, lying in a dirty ditch. Following the hit-and-run accident that steals his voice and future, the "Texas Tenor" struggles with depression and despairāuntil the night his daughter, Aria, is born. Understand...